it's a date.

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The red haired male sat on his bed, boredom consuming him, his thumb sliding over the screen looking through the different apps that was displayed on his phone. He contemplated, should he really open the app? It was a dating app. Well not really, but he used it for occasional hook ups. Minhyuk shrugged and clicked on the app before entering the white and yellow homepage that he recognised so well. The nonchalant expression that covered his face remained as he swiped through the different profiles and descriptions that were offered to him. That is, until this one profile. Minhyuk paused and read his description. "Nothing much, I just want a friend or smth..oh and im bi so. Dislikes: Mint ice cream, Noisy sleepers, Dirt, Fine dust and Dirty clothes/sheets. Likes: Spicy food, Music, Sleeping in, Video games and Adventuring."

"Adventuring?? who the heck writes 'adventuring' in their description??" He says out loud in judgement but his fingers move towards the message button anyways.

He stopped and thought. Should he really message the guy? Minhyuk went back and checked the profile and who the handsome face on the picture belonged to. 'Im Changkyun, 23 years old." Hesitating a bit, he stopped and let go of his phone to think for a while. Maybe grabbing a cup of water in the process as he fought with his thoughts on why and why not he should message mr. handsome face.

"I mean.. i could offer as a friend.." Minhyuk says as he picks up his phone. "Fuck it."

His fingers move faster than his mouth, typing down the words 'Hi, I saw ur profile and I think ur cool!' causing him to shake his head in disapproval and deleted the written text. After trial and error Minhyuk finally gave up and just sent him a simple 'Hello!' He couldn't believe it was that hard for him, then again, it's his first time messaging someone on the app. Hands getting clammy, he thought that he's had enough of it for the day and called it quits before closing the app and finding something else to do. "Maybe a walk in the park.." Minhyuk exhaled as he stood up to go change his clothes to more presentable ones.

The day goes by fast and Minhyuk comes back to his home with a bag of take outs and nothing more. He exhales and walks to his kitchen where he could prepare his dinner for himself as he browsed through a couple things on his phone. Connecting to the internet, Minhyuk quickly checked through his notifications before noticing one specific tab.

Im Changkyun: Hello!~

He felt his blood rush through his veins in excitement and clicked on the notification quickly before he could think of what to answer. Minhyuk pauses and stares at the screen thinking of what to reply.

me: Sorry! I just got home..

He breathed and set down his phone, taking out the containers from the paper bag and place them on a plate. Taking his food and his phone, Minhyuk sat down on the table and looked at the chat again.

Im Changkyun: It's okay! I've just been playing games hehe

He smiled and picked up his phone, his fingers tapping on the touchscreen device.

me: Oh cool~ what games?

Im Changkyun: Over~watch~

me:!! I LOVE that game!

Im Changkyun: Really?? wanna play?

me: hehehehe let me finish my food real quick

Im Changkyun: Okay, I'll wait :)

Minhyuk smiles at his phone screen and glances at his food. Thank god he just got noodles. He slurped down his noodles quickly before washing the dishes and running up to his room. A tad bit too excited to play with his new found friend.

it's a date ; changhyukWhere stories live. Discover now