Beautiful Trauma

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Basking in the warmth of his embrace and presence, he failed to remember the coldness of ignorance and absence.

Home wasn't far away when he was wrapped up in him. Nothing seemed as bleak, as dull as it did in his vibrant presence.

What even was Harry Styles.

● ● ●

Zayn Malik is at my door with ruffled hair and a pierced nose which seriously tempts me to drop to my knees. Niall Horan follows him into the flat akin to a lost puppy.

"Who the fuck are you?" Is the first thing that comes out of Zayn.

Niall opts for,"Who's this exotic tit?"

So, them seeing Dev Patel is very child friendly and very appropriate. I blink at their language, too gone to snap.

"You're so polite," Harry Styles notes, sarcasm oozing out.

There's confusion and eyes on me. I raise my eyebrows and reply,"He's Dev, that fucker's lawyer."

I point in the general direction of Harry Styles, pigeon toed and sleep creased face, back against the yellow wall.

Dev Patel looks at the whole exchange with wide eyes and an amused lilt to his lips.

"Ansel was here, last night to be precise." I casually drop over tea and fresh bagels.

Niall spits it out on the carpet, Zayn opts to smash the cup against the wall. They're just lovely today. I tsk and push a broom into his hands.

Dev breaks the reverie we were in. "We can put Ansel in for upto fifteen years. If Mr. Tomlinson, you would speak up."

"What if he doesn't?" Harry shoots before I can.

"He wouldn't get any imprisonment, maybe a fine. Only if I can manipulate the story of Mr. Styles to be one of self defense."

I zone out, my mind going back to Ansel's exit after I admitted that I wasn't okay.

He vanished before I could tell him a fuck you.

My mind keeps whirring and the flowers emerge. The mystery of the lawyer is solved.

Ansel turned up, Harry Styles is by my side. Zayn has been here to check up on me and Niall was keeping his loyalty.

The flowers keep bugging me.

"Dev accompany me to a store will you?" I snap out.

The four of them pause mid debate, Zayn eyeing me as if he's heard that I like girls.

Niall looks at me like I stole his last piece of cake and he wants to smack me upside down.

Harry Styles seems to be contemplating wrapping me up and tying me to the bed.

Dev Patel has an obnoxious grin. "Sure," he says, not minding the daggers being shot at him.

I rise up, still in my PJ's and ratty old stone roses shirt, rimless glasses indenting the bridge of my nose.

A tug on my wrist makes me halt.

It's Harry Styles peering up at me through dark lashes and wide eyes. "Colour?"

I smile at him and bend to softly kiss his cheek,"I'm grey. Hesitant but ready."


Dev doesn't try to pry. He keeps company and follows me to Holby's florals.

The shop is pretty and has pots hanging outside. I look at the carnations displayed and allow myself a smile.

Dev holds the door open for me, I thank him and breathe in the fragrance of the flowers.

There's a girl working at the counter, she has vibrant purple hair up in a mess.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" She recites in a cheery voice.

"Is Grethe here?" I get straight to the point.

"Straight aren't we?" Dev tries to crack a joke.

"Incredibly gay," I reply, flat and unimpressed.

The girl gives a short nod and thumbs towards the back.

Dev and I briskly walk there, Grethe's hair comes into view.

I tap her shoulder causing her to whip at me with a pair of gardening scissors.

"Oh, Louis. You almost gave me an aneurysm!" Grethe is very enthusiastic for a person who is up and early.

I try and give a cheeky smile but it falls away.

"Grethe, can you be honest with me?" I take her soft hand in mine, eyes as sincere as they could be.

Her posture softens, she relaxes. "Yes, of course, Louis."

Twining her fingers through mine, I blurt the question out,"Did Liam Payne know that he was an abusive bastard?"

Grethe pales, she actually has a shocked, mouth open and eyes wide expression.

"Who?" She tries to free her hands and bullshit her way.

Neither of us believe it, both of us know it's a lie.

"Be honest." I give her hands squeeze.

"Yes, but-why?" Grethe looks stricken and as honest as she can be.

"He filed a fake case under Ansel's name, against Harry Styles."

"I wish I could take away all the pain he's caused you, Louis." Her voice cracks, guilt washing up on her face.

"Can you clear a few of my doubts?"

"Of course, love."

I squeeze her hands and give her a hug.

"In general when are Red Dahlias given?" I ask, mind trying to conjure the words on the post it.

Grethe ponders for a minute. She snaps her fingers and tugs me by hand.

Dev stays back, opting to admire the bluebells.

Deeper in the store, there's bags of seeds, manure and ribbons and cards. Lots of ribbons though.

Grethe leaves my hand and thumbs through a book that previously laid on a packet of ribbons.

"Red Dahlias are a symbol of betrayal and dishonesty. So, usually you give it to them to tell that you are or were not honest with them. It could be in any context. A friendship, a relationship either professionally or romantically."

I pause, going over the flowers I've received. "Yellow roses are for joy innit?"

"They do represent joy, given when you steal their joy from them."

"Thank you Grethe."

She wraps her arms around me and kisses my forehead. It feels warm and comforting.

For the first time in years, I find a trace of my own mum in Grethe.

Liam Payne you have a lot to tell.


I meet Dev with a daffodil in my hand.

"For Harry Styles," I answer to his silent gaze.

Grethe chuckles and wraps a tiny polka dotted bow around the stem. It falls off. Instead she tacks it behind my ear.

"To the station?" Dev doesn't seem so happy to be going there.

His eyes linger on the decoration behind my ear.

"To the station," I confirm.

• • •

Shorter and later update. Sorry but I've been enjoying the last of my hols.

I love you all. xx

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