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was it wrong?
was it impossible?
was it too far fetched?
too far ahead?
was it delusional thinking?
stubborn until the end and yet it brought nothing to jungoo.

jungoo is a nice, kind girl, pretty tall and talented, a lover of gym and she's currently crushing on her best friend, known since childhood, and who has a crush on her own.

min yoonji and kim namjoo. Everyone knows about them, evryone talks about them, being the #1 gossip of the school with the fact that they are both bisexual. the guys are in heaven, as they say so themselves.

that was a crush that literally crushes you. it was going nowhere, she can't just interfere and yoonji simply didn't see jungoo in another way but just a best friend, who happens to be much younger by 4 years. it ends before it even started.

see, yoonji has always been very nice to people. she always helps them if they need help, always has an open ear and says things that come from the inside of her heart and that's why people love her a lot. of course kim namjoo was one of them.

jungoo and yoonji are sitting on a bench, outside at some beautiful and peaceful park after school. they don't share any classes together, so to keep their friendship strong they meet up outside of class for a few hours or even until the next morning over sleepovers.

"i heard you are getting close to namjoo." jungoo nibbles on her bread as she glances towards yoonji, who sits right beside her.

"yeah, she's pretty fun to be around. she's so pretty, oh my god!" yoonji stared a little dreamy into the air, probably thinking about the other girl. "i think we might get somewhere, maybe I'll finally get a girlfriend."

"you deserve it, I'm rooting for you." jungoo turns away and scruffs her shoes on the floor beneath her.

they never felt like they could just break apart, in any way. they have their own beliefs and own voices, choices and were quite stubborn but it never clashed on them to seperate. they found their own way and it worked, now friends for a long time.

so, of course, they would have never even thought of them breaking apart when kim namjoo comes into the screen. she isn't mean or bullied people, quite the opposite.

kim namjoo is perfect in any way. she is smart, pretty, tall, got a very lovely smile that showed two adorable dimples and her character and personality is something to fall in love with. that's exactly what yoonji did, fall in love with her.

the meet ups with jungoo got less, sometimes skipping their days for a date and sometimes a call to say, "im sorry, i thought about visiting her. ill catch up with you soon, okay? im sorry." but jungoo could never be too mad. or sad, if it matters.

she loves her and she wants happiness for yoonji. if it's not through what they had, or even herself, then through someone else.

and that's okay, it's fine. that's how the universe has planned it out and rolled the dice. soon enough, yoonji and namjoo were starting to date, for real.

jungoo is someone who has always been in the corners, a fleeting mention, just casually brought up because she was always the "childhood friend" and that's it.

jungoo wasn't too greedy and let herself step back, and yet regrets every second of not stepping one foot forward before all this. her chance was small but she didn't even try, not really.

she was scared.

blaming herself became something she did as normally as breathing. every time she walked past the two girls, the stinging in her heart made it difficult to breathe properly.

she still holds up her hand in every passing, even if it was completely overseen or ignored. they started to crumble apart.

jungoo had tried her best to keep it floating, just enough to strengthen her hold in the open water, but it was useless. one person that fights for both, that's not enough. you can do all you want but if the person already turned their back on you, you know it's too late. it's over.

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