100 Special

418 15 62

I said that I had something special planned for this part, and I hope that this didn't fail to deliver!


Reyna: Percy, we need a plan of attack!
Percy: I have a plan-attack

Me: I want a dragon for Christmas!
Santa: Be realistic
Me: Okay, I want Percy Jackson to have a rest
Santa: What colour do you want your dragon?

Alex: Only geniuses can say these for words quickly - eye, yam, stew and pit.
Sam: Come on, no one's gonna fall for-

Kidnappers: We have your son.
Jason: I don't have a son
Kidnappers: Then who's been talking about a bronze dragon for 4 hours?
Jason: Oh my gods they have Leo!
Kidnappers: Please come and get him we can't take it anymore

Kronos isn't just evil because he ate his kids, blah blah blah. Remember all those long, boring history lessons where you learned nothing and almost fell asleep? Yeah...

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