Birthday wishes b.a<3

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(This is soft)
Brandon Arreaga, The thought of him just gives me butterflies. That's my man, as of today my 9 month boyfriend.
B🐝💛🖤😽: Good morning baby🥳
Me: Good morning Brandon 😽
B🐝💛🖤😽: What are you going to do today ?
I'm surprised at the fact that he hasn't said anything about my birthday or our anniversary 🤔.
Me: umm...  nothing chill at home.
B🐝💛🖤😽: oh ok. I wanted to let you know me and the boys are going to have to fly to New York in a few hours. Sorry for such short notice
Me: wow ok um.
B🐝💛🖤😽: unless you don't want me to go
Read☑️: 9:40am
B🐝💛🖤😽: Y/n?
Me: sorry I had an incoming FaceTime from my mom.
B🐝💛🖤😽: it's ok. Look I'll call you when I land.
I'm disappointed, how could he forget our anniversary let alone my birthday.
Eggwin🥚💚: Happy birthday Y/N!
Me: Awwww thank you 😪🥰
Z❄️💙: Uh uh uh uh! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!
Me: uh uh uh uh! Thank youuuuu🤣💙
Nicholas👀❤️: Yo! Happy birthday y/n. You're not a little girl anymore😪. They grow up so fast.
Me: ohhhhh pleaseeee, shut up. You're like a few years older then me chill😂❤️.
Austin👽👽🧡: happy birthday 🎁
Me: thanks A😽
Now I'm upset. How can the boys remember my birthday but not Brandon, at this point it's fine! I go upstairs and get ready, put on some makeup and a cute outfit.
Insert here:

I make my way out the door and lock it

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I make my way out the door and lock it.  "Im not sure where I'm even going". I say to myself . *ding ding* I look down at my phone
B🐝💛🖤😽: Plans got canceled, so we're on our way to Las Vegas lol😆!
Me: cute
B🐝💛🖤😽: what's wrong ?
Me: nothing I have to go lol.
B🐝💛🖤😽: um ok 👍🏼 .
I lock my phone and toss it in my bag, frustrated. It's fine honestly.
Eggwin🥚💚: oyeee y/n!
Me: que hubo!
Eggwin🥚💚: birthday dinner? Where you at?
Me: umm sure, with who?
Eggwin🥚💚: Z, Nick, and Austin.
Of course Brandon isn't with them. I don't care anymore. He can do what he wants. "Las Vegas" my ass.
Me: sure pick me up at Trader Joe's, I'm doing some grocery shopping.
Eggwin🥚💚: omw
After I buy my things I walk out of the store and see Edwin in the parking lot. I hop in the passenger seat since Zion, Austin, and Nick were siting in the back.
Me: hey y'all.
Edwin: hey
Z: wassup
Austin: yo
Nick: what up.
I knew that I said I didn't care about Brandon or what he was doing but there was something in me that couldn't stop thinking about him, and what he could possibly be doing. I didn't want to ask anything about him, but it just slipped out.
"Have you guys seen Brandon?" I say as I turn around to look at the boys. They all look at each other. All I get is shoulder shrugs and nods. I don't even know why I- my thoughts get interrupted by Edwin. "WE ARE HEREEEE TADA" I look up and see a place called "Perch" I've heard so much about that place and how fancy and expensive it was. "Edwin no" I say while looking at him "Y/n yes" he said while turning the car off. "Really? This is probably more then my rent" I say sarcastically. "Y/n today is your day ok? Ok." Nick says with sass. I feel my eyes get watery "awww you guys, I'm so glad you guys are my friends"
"Don't even cry" Z says while looking away with his hand in my face. I laugh on how sassy he looks. We all get out of the car, and all I can think about is how this moment right here matters. Nothing else does, Brandon who knows where he is but I'm ok right where I am. We walk in and the waiter directs us to our table. As we all sit down the lights turn off. I whisper "what the hell? Guys I think the power went off" i don't get a response. I put my hand out to try to feel them but nobody was there. I get up and start to look around "guys this isn't funny. What's happening" some candles turn on a cake way over across the room. I walk over there and on the cake it says "happy birthday love of my life" as I say that out loud the light turn back on and the boys and Brandon jump up and yell "SURPRISE". I'm startled but then adjust and say "wow I'm-" . "Did you really think I was going to forget your birthday?" Brandon says as he gives me a huge tight hug. I start to cry and say "aww baby, I thought you actually forgot my birthday" The boys all pull out there phones and record us. "Never, and of course our 9 month anniversary" he gets on one knee as he reaches into his back pockets. "Y/n, we are way too young to get married but I know that I can still commit, this is a promise I'm going to make to you, I will never do anything to hurt you, I will never cheat on you, or anything like that. That's a promise, will you please take this promise ring and accept it"? I'm sobbing already and still say "yes of course" he puts it on me and gets up. I jump into his arms and we spend the rest of the night laughing, smiling, dancing, singing, even drinking.
*935 word count*

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