Part 2

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As I was in Nicky's car, all I could think about is why did I get invited to the party. No one knows me. But everyone knows Nicky. I am just a girl in this big world no one knows me, and no one cares for me in school, so why invite me to one of the best party's of the year.

'' Why are you so quiet.''


''Tell me what is wrong.''

'' Why did I get invited to this party.''

'' God only knows, but don't let that bring you down. Have fun at this party have a few drinks.''

'' Ha, I don't drink.''

'' I know but...''

'' But nothing I don't want to get drunk, anything can happen.''

''Okay then.... we are here.''

I look out of the window and I see a big house but the thing that catches my eye is that people are walking out of the back yard. Before I can look around more. Nicky opens the door for me'' Welcome to..... hell.'' Nicky says and she pushed me out of the car. Nicky closes the door and starts to walk towards the gate to the back yard. '' Stay close to me so you don't get lost and we can get out if the party is too wild for your liking.'' I nod my head. There was no line to get into the party, there was only a bodyguard with a list of names.'' What are your names''. '' Anna and I am with my friend Nicky.'' The bodyguard looks at Nicky up and down then looked at me and then he opened the gate. We get passes to the gate and then BANG. red smoke starts rising from the ground. I stumble. Nicky laughs and grabs my hand and pulls me to the bar. She orders a beer and asked me if I wanted one but I declined. A few minutes passed and nothing happened me and Nicky did not talk like I said nothing really happened. Then a group of girls call out Nicky name and waved her to come over there.'' Anna stays here don't wander off. I will be here in a few minutes, bartender if she moves on your watch I am going to kill you okay.''. Nicky hugs me and as she walks away to her friends. A few minutes passed and Nicky has not come back maybe she is doing something crazy with her friends instead of staying with her loser friend, she should have been invited she fits in more into this lifestyle than I do. '' ANNA!!'' I turn around to see Sam the biggest playboy of them all, he sleeps with 7 girls each week some call him '' The pro of the girls.'' So why is he talking to me he should be talking to any other girl than me. '' So how do you like the party.''. I roll my eyes and Sam sees it.'' Not that fun I see, I thought you would like to come you know to get you heard out of all the books you read.'' Wait, so he invited me to this party why I don't even know him.'' First, of all I don't read books 24/7 and why did you invite me you don't even know me.''

'' Well I think you are kinda cute, the first time I saw you, you were fighting/ yelling at my friend for calling your friend a slut, which I am sorry for and I thought'' this girl is cute'' so I invited you.''

'' That makes no sense at all, but that is rude how your friend called my friend a slut, he should have called you one you sleep around with any girl you see but when my friend put a skirt on, oh she is the slut now.''

''You are still cute.''

'' Shut up.''

' Tell me something about yourself.''

'' I like to draw.''

'' Me too.''

'' Yeah sure.''

'' I do!!''

'' Where the proof.''

'' You want proof.''

'' Yeah, I do want proof.''

'' Okay follow me, then to see the proof.''

'' No, I can't I am waiting for someone.''

'' You will be back here in a few minutes I promise.''

I wanted to go but I did not want to leave and then Nicky comes back and does not see me here but Nicky wanted me to have fun so I said yes and Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room. I look around and I don't see any painting. Then sam closes the door and grabs my waist. and pulls his head down to kiss me before I can understand what is going on sam starts to kiss me. When I understood what was going on, I pushed him away from me.'' WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING.'' I say as I walk towards the door. '' Well, I thought.'' Sam says as he comes closer to me.'' You thought what you could just kiss me just because I came into your room. You sicko I came to see your drawing.'' I am shaking I don't know why but I am.'' WELL, YOU LOOKED LONELY AND GULLIBLE SO I THOUGHT I COULD GET A QUCIKE.'' I am shocked he's an asshole he came on to me just to have sex with me. I almost snapped but instead, I opened the door and walked out as I did I feel a splashed on me I looked up to see Alexa with an empty cup in her hand'' Oh so sorry but that is karma for going into a room with my boyfriend think twice before you talk to him again okay.'' she says with a fake happy voice as she starts to close the door. I wished I never went to this party why did he invite me I hate this I hate partying I hate my life. I ask around for a bathroom until I find it by accident I lock the door and I close my eyes and start to cry. Then the music starts to blase through the bathroom wall.

Of course, it was sweater weather just of course it is.  Then I start to cry again 

until I hear Nicky voice........

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