Chapter 3: The Secret's exposed

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Carla's POV:

It was about half seven in the morning and already I felt exhausted and I had only just woken up so I knew that this was going to be a long day!  I went to get up but when I did the lower part of my right leg area felt heavy so I looked down to see that from the top of my shin to my ankle was swollen quite badly and when I stood up I immediately grabbed my right leg and swore in pain and then sat back down again taking deep breaths of air to try and stop the pain and started to cry instead of swearing after a while it finally stopped and instead of trying to stand up straightaway again I reached my hand over to my bag and grabbed the bottle of painkillers and an energy drink then I poured pills into my hand and then poured them into my mouth and gulped down the energy drink and not a moment too soon because my phone started ringing so I reached my hand over to my bedside table and picked up the phone to see who was calling me, it was the hospital again I knew that no matter how hard I tried that I had to talk to them so I pressed the accept call button and got ready to what they would have to say. 


Carla: Hello Doctor . . .

Doctor: Hello Mrs. Connor I think you know that we need to talk about your condition and that we need to start the treatment as soon as possible at the hospital so I would like you to call my assistant and set up a date for your appointment about the things you need to change in your life and what you will have to live with

Carla: What do you mean when you say the things I will have to change and things that I will have to live with?

Doctor: Well Mrs. Connor you will have to take a range of different medication, you will have to make a few lifestyle changes and there is a high chance that we will have to perform heart transplant surgery to give you a new heart and if we do you will have to continue with all the changes and medication that you will have to make in order to keep you alive

Carla: I understand Doctor thank you I will set up an appointment to talk to you about all of this soon

Doctor: Is there anything you would like to ask me before I go Mrs. Connor? 

Carla: Erm now that you mention it the bottom half of my right leg has gotten all swollen and sore is there anything I can do to get rid of that?

Doctor: I'm sorry Mrs. Connor but you can't really get rid of that until you are better because it is a common symptom of your condition but if you want it to hurt less then I advise to put some ice on it, have lots of bed rest and maybe stay with a family member or a friend to look after you or to check up on you when they're not at work

Carla: Okay thank you, Doctor goodbye

Doctor: Goodbye Mrs. Connor take care

Phonecall ends

After Carla talked to the Doctor she got up her leg still feeling heavy but it didn't hurt because of the painkillers that she took and she went downstairs not bothering to have breakfast because she wasn't hungry, went straight outside, got in her car and drove back to Weatherfield to meet Michelle at The Cafe.

Carla's POV:

As I drove back onto the street for the second day in a row, parked my car and started to walk down the street to The Cafe I felt as if this was a bad idea because of my condition, my leg all the other side effects that I have to deal with also the fact that the Doctor was right about me telling my family and friends so that they could look after me at least I skipped breakfast so it will be easier to make myself to eat something for lunch with Michelle. As I walked in The Cafe which was surprisingly quiet considering that it was boxing day I looked around and I couldn't see Michelle realizing that I must of get here first I asked the woman that was at the counter for a coffee while I wait for Michelle to come. After about ten minutes Michelle walked in and sat across from and apologized for being late saying that she 'got waylaid at the Bistro with Robert' I knew what that meant! After about another half hour later Michelle and I had both finished what we were eating and decided to go to The Pub and play a game that we used to play at The Pub beside where we used to live before we left the council estate where we would both bring our favorite candy which also happened to be the other's least favorite candy and get two large red wines, two shots of vodka and two orange juices which we would add sugar to and we would eat the candy we didn't like with a shot of vodka then we would hold our wine and twist our arms with the wine in together and try to drink from our glasses without spilling or laughing our heads off trying to succeed the challenge and finally we would pour sugar into our orange juices and gulp them down and whoever finished first would get £50 from the loser which I was happy about because I never lost! So we walked down the street hand in hand and when we reached The Pub I let go of Michelle's hand and I told her to go in and order our drinks and get us a booth while I walked to The Kabin and got the candy for the game, so I continued to walk down the street and into The Kabin only to be greeted by Norris who as soon as he saw me started to talk about everything that has happened to everyone since I left back in 2016 after I was dumped by my husband minutes after my wedding and crashed into Dev's shop and everything, it was really annoying he just wouldn't shut up but I just ignored him and grabbed mine and Michelle's favorite candy making sure that they were both huge bags of it and put them on the counter in front of Norris and paid for them and speed-walked out of The Kabin so that I wouldn't have to listen to Norris for any longer then I had to because it was torture and I'm surprised that no one has died because of it yet! As I walked back up the street I ended up outside The Pub I didn't want to go inside because no doubt that someone who hates me like Leanne or Tracy would be in there ready to have a go at me about being back here in Weatherfield but I had to go in there, I had to for Michelle even if I should be trying to avoid stress which is harder then it seems especially for me! So I took a deep breath and reached for the door and pulled it open and walked inside to see Leanne and Sean at the bar serving drinks, no one saw me so I walked a few more steps which now meant that Leanne could see me but before she had the chance to say anything to me Michelle grabbed my hand and pulled me down so I was now sitting down beside her in the booth nearest the door with our hands intertwined, her fingers softly stroking mine because she could tell that I was nervous which really annoyed me sometimes how she could read me so easily like that, she then turned her head to me and spoke softly 'So did you get them?' I was confused I was so wrapped up at the moment between us that I'd forgotten about everything else but then suddenly I remembered and I knew what she was talking about 'Yeah I've got them' I replied to her while showing her the bags of candy that was in my hands and then placing them on the table in front of us and the whole time Leanne had her beady eyes fixated on me which didn't help my nerves in fact it made them worse but at least she wasn't saying anything! 'Let the game begin Carla!' she said while I was emptying the bags of candy onto the table making sure that in front of each of us was the other's favorite candy and not ours and then we opened the candy and started eating we were both doing funny faces but I somehow managed to eat all of the candy that was in front of me, drink the shot of vodka and then put my face flat on the table because I was feeling sick while Michelle ate half of hers and then drank the shot of vodka because she had given up and then I picked my head up off the table and we both picked up our wine and twisted our wine arm around the other's arm, looked the other in the eye and then moved our arm's trying to drink our wine after many failed attempts we did it, then we finally picked up our juice's filled with sugar and gulped them down and then both held our chests and started gasping for air, once we got our breath back I started to feel really sick and my leg was starting to hurt again so I excused myself and went to the restroom, once I got in there I was in so much pain and I was suddenly starting to feel horribly sick so I grabbed my leg and hobbled to the nearest cubicle, locked the door, streched my swollen leg, bent down beside the toilet and at that moment I started to feel a lump in my throat and it was coming up and up until I was quite suddenly sick and while I was busy being sick I didn't hear the door swing open and I didn't hear Leanne come in. After I finally stopped being sick I was about to flush the toilet but when I looked at what came out of me I was appalled it was blood all of it so I flushed the toilet and then I phoned my Doctor again to ask him about it.

Leanne's POV:

Out of all the people why her, why did Carla Connor have to come back to Weatherfield? I was going to say something to her when I first saw her but we weren't alone and if I said it here everyone would listen and they would never shut up about it, so I decided to wait until she was alone. After about half an hour of her and Michelle playing some sort of dare game, Carla excused herself to go to the restroom and as soon as she did that I left the bar to Sean and followed her. I opened the door and walked inside but I would never be able to imagine what I was going to hear in there. Carla, she was being sick and from what I could hear when she wasn't being sick she was taking deep breaths, after a while of listening to her be sick she stopped it was silent so I quietly crept into a cubicle and shut the door, I could hear her phone she was ringing somebody I didn't know who but I was going to find out so I listened in.


Carla: Hello again Doctor

Doctor: Hello Mrs. Connor what seems to be the problem?

Carla: Is it common for patients with my condition to puke blood?

Doctor: Mrs. Connor it is a rare symptom but it is possible and I'm guessing that you're asking because you have is that correct?

Carla: Yes Doctor that is correct

Doctor: Well Mrs. Connor if you are losing blood that way then your condition is deteriorating rapidly and you should really stay with someone because it is dangerous enough to live on your own with your condition but if you are having rare symptoms then you must not be alone

Carla: Look Doctor you don't understand I'm not telling anyone and that's that!

Phonecall ends

Carla's POV:

I knew The Doctor was right I just didn't want to believe him. I picked myself up off the floor, opened the door and hopped over to the sink, started to run the tap, I got my painkillers and then cupped my hands under the water, poured it into my mouth, swallowed the painkillers and took a long deep breath. Suddenly there was a bang from one of the cubicle doors and out walked Leanne and she said in a nervous soft tone 'Hello Carla'

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