Introductions (Prologue)

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I’m Hilda Touko
And I’m ill…….

It’s been a long time since I have a normal ‘growing up’ period like other kids and teens. Heck, I don’t know if I even have a normal growing up period to begin with. Since as long as I can remember I’ve always been stuck in this hospital room, always needing help to do anything…….

Many doctors have come and went, with each and every one of them having no idea what causing me to be here, let alone a way to cure me. And as yet another doctor is set to take over the duties of looking after me I’m starting to believe that I will never leave this place for the rest of my life.

Does that sadden me? Perhaps, but there’s no point in doing that. If this is the fate that Arceus has chosen for me then so be it, I will live it as best as I could, however hard it might be…….


I’m Hilbert Touya
And I’m nervous…….

Which is kinda strange since it’s a feeling I have never really experience before, having confidently speed through all level of my education from elementary to medical school becoming the youngest doctor ever in Unova. Thorough all of that I’ve always felt confident in myself but now all of a sudden I feel nervous? Why?......

Maybe it’s because I’m experiencing the real life responsibility of a doctor for the first time, maybe the fact that I enter this profession at an earlier age than most people exaggerate the normal nervousness of a newcomer, or maybe it’s the fact that the first patient that I will look after is a girl who is the same age as me……

They told me she’s been here for years and nobody could figure out what is wrong with her, they thought maybe since I’m the same age as her I could maybe understand something from her that no other doctor can.

It’s a tough order for a new doctor I know, but they have already put trust in me and considering my track record for being a genius who could solve everything that come his way, I can’t just violate their trust can I? So there’s nothing I could do now other than go in there and do the best I can as a professional to try and find out what is up with her, however difficult it might be…….

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