Chapter one: the start

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Coleen's P.O.V

I pulled the hood of my black cloak up over my head, it was daytime and I'd burn if I showed an inch of skin.

I walked through the forest taking in all the scenery and listened as the birds chirped, there were many creatures out here even dark and dangerous ones more commonly known as werewolves. I looked up at a giant jungle tree lumbering above the rest. perfect. I climbed to a thick branch near the middle and lay down with my back on the smooth bark of the tree.

I listened closely this was how I relaxed after a feud with my cousin Kairo, he was a pain in the arse I know your supposed to love family but Kairo has one desire and one desire only, he wants to be king of all the vampires he wants me to bow down to him, but he knows my will is too strong for that. suddenly there was a crunch of footsteps coming from the bushes I leaned of the tree ever so slightly and looked down at the forest floor.

"Coleen!... it's me Kairo are you there?" Kairo called out from below. I jumped down and looked at him with clouded blue eyes.

"I'm here" I answered and watched as he spun round to see me staring at him in all seriousness. "oh come on Coleen you know why I want to be leader" Kairo smiled "I know very well why your here" I turned and started walking in the opposite direction "and if you think I'll change my mind and let it slip your dead wrong" I growled a death like tone to my voice. "well seeing as you've made your mind up... I turned and grabbed Kairo pulling him closer and holding a silver dagger to his chest hissing and growling teeth bared "don't test me Kairo with every self centred piece of crap that leaves your mouth I try harder and harder not to kill you" i looked him in the eyes "put me down Coleen you know this won't solve problems" Kairo laughed "oh really I could kill you right now and that would solve a lot of problems for me Kairo" I retorted putting him down.

I sprinted off leaving a blur on either side of me I could run at the speed of light but it's just a shame Kairo can too.

I arrived at an old castle this is where I lived along with my little sister Floyd, My cousin Kairo, my older sister Samantha, and Sora she was turned to a vampire by Kairo and fancies him greatly. if Kairo chooses her to be his bride then we're all screwed. I hate her she's a cocky nut with the attention span of a goldfish, she'd even make her bridesmaids where a plum with a cods arse on their head.

I opened the double doors and sauntered into the castle. As soon as you walk through the door there is a crystal chandelier and two curved stair cases that lead to a balcony with all the bedrooms and toilets, even clothes rooms and the rest was downstairs. I walked up the stairs each creak coming as I put my foot down. I stopped at the top of the balcony looking down at all details, when suddenly I heard a creak of a wooden plank behind me I spun round and saw the faint outline of a small figure I jump forward and grab the figure pulling it to the ground and tickling it, it let out girly dreams and squeal's. Floyd. "hey cheeky baby your invisibility's getting good" I laughed her invisibility turned off and I could see her looking at me with deep blue eyes, she looked a lot like me long choppy layered blonde hair big sparkling blue eyes and big white flashy fangs that fit perfectly in out mouths unlike an enemy I know.

"I know I know my inva... invisi I can't say that word" Floyd threw her head back and laughed I joined in for eight year old girl she had a set of teeth. I went down stairs carrying a vase to go in the kitchen I hauled the door open and dropped the vase what I saw was hell and I feared the worst of what would happen.




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