Just like dream

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Minhyun and Baekho were shocked after saw everything by their own eyes.

Ren is really rich to pay bodyguards to make them want to know who is Ren in real life It's so mysterious.

Jr wants to close the clinic but Minhyun and Baekho drag them to the coffee table and talk about what they just saw.

"I have Ren card," Jr said and gave them the cut.

They search Ren profile and all of them shut the mouth with hands because of shock.

"He is the owner of this building and big hotel to your next buildings," Baekho said.

"He husband so fool," Minhyun said.

"Husband?? He is a man, he just like us hyung," Baekho said.

"I can believe it," Aron said.

"Minhyun phone is ringing"

"You know who call me just now, YSL designer and my partner for modelling are Ren, he is incredible. He so tough inside his appear so fragile." Aron said.

"His comeback and he has business how lucky he is," Aron said.

Lucky makes a sound and makes them laugh.

Jr still shocked. How come and strong Ren is it.

"Jr today we borrow Aron hyung ok?, sorry because I need to prepare my English lyrics," Baekho said.

"It's ok nevermind anything just tell me," Jr said and tidy his clinic before he closes his clinic.


Jr already locks the clinic door and after he twists his body, Ren looks at his face and smile.

"Hi, Dr.Jr," Ren said.

Jr sees he face. not showing sad and smile cheerfully.

"Yes, Ren. May I help you?", Jr asked.

" Can I stay with you tonight," Ren said and keep his eyes see the floor.

The tears fell.

Jr doesn't talk and hugged him without words.

Even he doesn't talk about it and Jr respects him so Jr doesn't ask. Ren really hugged him right.

"I'm sorry, I don't have any friend so I come to you without thinking, " Ren said but still in Jr hugged.

"Cry as long as you want, I will lend my shoulder," Jr said.

Just like dream Ren come to him.

"You want a drink, let's go to my house," Jr invited Ren.

Ren follows him.

"I'm sorry for hugging you, really sorry," Ren apologies because of his spontaneous action.

Jr smile and said "No, maybe because you can't hold anymore. I'm glad you already release it."

The enter the apartment. It's simple and clean.

"I'm sorry my apartment not as big as you," Jr said in Humble.

"Today is my birthday, "Ren said and keep staring at the sky.

Jr was shocked with Ren word.

"I don't have anything for you for celebrating. But I have strawberries, let's celebrates with this 1st and tomorrow I will buy you cake " Jr said.

"No need, can you give me a candle?", Ren asking.

Jr put a small candle and lighting.

" I want to pray and make sure you don't try to hear it, " Ren said.

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