part one

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Ona's pov

Hey I'm Mariana if you didn't already know that and I'm gonna give you a little bck story of my life

10 years ago.

I'm ona.
I'm 9 years old
And I'm suicidal
If your wondering why it's bc my mom and dad are devorced and I'm forced to go to my (abusive) dad every weekend. And he has a new wife who uses me to do yard work and house work and I'm sick of it

I hate my life and I cut everyday (almost) and I really wish I was born into a different family

Everyone at school hates me bc I'm a so called nerd when all I'm trying to do is get good grades to help make my mom proud of me

She's really hard on me and sometimes it hurts my fellings

But I know she's just trying to help me

But that's my life right now.

Jack's pov

Hi I'm Jack if you didn't already know
And im going to give you a little back story of my life

10 years ago

I'm Jack
I'm 9 years old
I'm currently going through some things
My parents are planning on getting a divorce
I now have to go to my dad and his new girlfriends house every weekend
It sucks.
But I get to stay with my mom on the weeks so it's ok I guess.

A/n hi I hope you like this short ass chapter but enjoy 20 votes for chapter 2

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