Arrive at Freddy's

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They arrived at Freddy's and got out of the car.

"We're here boys.", she said excitedly.

"YAY!", yelled Sam as well as the other boys.

They then walked inside arriving at a lady with a stamp thing and a black-light.

"Hi guys, welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. I have to stamp your hand so I know you guys are paid for.", said the lady at the counter.

Sam's mom then handed the lady some money and got the kids hands stamped. After they got stamped, the lady waved the black light over their hands,

"See its an invisible stamp, it only shows up under black light.", she said as the black light was over their hands.

"Cool.", said Blake.

Then the lady put the black light away and they walked through a door to another counter, behind the counter on the wall were prizes and toys. To the right you could see tables and 2 stages, one had a purple curtain with a pattern on it covering the stage. The other one was a plain old red normal one covering it.

"Woah mommy, look at the prizes!", says Sam surprised.

"Ya, you have to take these take this tokens and win tickets to get them.", Sam's mom said handing each other the kids 50 tokens to play with. But first we have to eat.

Then she ordered pizza at the counter,

"Come on let's go sit down and wait for them to bring us our pizza.", she said gesturing the kids towards a table.

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