14. Game Time

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Emily's P.O.V

When I woke up I tensed because there was an arm around me but then I remembered I was sharing a bed with David. I blushed and carefully lifted his arm off of me. It was eerily quiet until I heard a noise that sounded like a bunch of pots hitting the floor and then some laughing. David bolted up out of bed, "what was that?!" he asked. "I have no idea but let's go find out!" Apparently Will, Dana, and Gabe had the same idea because we crashed into them on the way to the kitchen. When we all made it to the kitchen we gasped at the sight we saw. Cole and Victoria were standing there covered in flour, pots were all over the floor, and something was on the stove burning. "We tried to make pancakes but the bus went over a big bump and, she gestured to the floor, this happened." Cole was still laughing hysterically. We all laughed with him and when we calmed down we tried to enjoy the pancakes Cole and Victoria made. After that we hung out and David and I went back to our room and cuddled. That ended up turning into a full make out session. "I love you," David said. "I love you too," I said happily. Will then busted through the door interrupting our moment, "we are all going to play hide and seek!" I laughed because he seemed so childlike when he said it. "Isn't it too small in this bus to play, like where will we hide?" Will shrugged, "we will figure something out." David laughed and shrugged following Will out the door. "This game is independent, you can not hide with any other people," Dana told everyone. I cursed under my breath because now it will be hard to find a hiding spot. "If I tag you then you're out, last person hiding wins $5. Ok, I'm counting to 30. Go!" Everyone scattered. Whenever I used to play hide and seek when I was little I always hid in the stove. So that's where I ran to. I wasn't that big of a girl but I wasn't anorexic either so I smushed myself into that stove. It was pretty hard but I managed to fit in there. "28..... 29..... 30! Here I come," Dana yelled. I held my breath when I heard his footsteps go by the stove but he never stopped so I was safe, for now. "Found you, Dana screamed at Will. How could I not find you in the closet? Help me find the others" I heard Will tell Dana where he saw Cole, Gabe, and Cole hide and they were found pretty quickly. Dana then yelled out dramatically, "come out, come out, wherever you are! We will find you!" About 5 minutes later I heard David get found. I was hoping they would hurry up and find Victoria already though because my leg was starting to hurt really bad from the angle I was in. I moved my leg a little bit and I accidentally hit the stove door and it flew open. I panicked and tried to pull it closed but Gabe saw me and yelled to Dana, "I found Emily!" They all ran to find me in the stove and started laughing. All the guys had to help me out. They still couldn't believe I could fit in the stove. "Well, I guess Victoria gets the $5, I said. But where is she?" "I know where she is," Cole replied. We all followed him their bedroom and watched as Cole pulled her out from under the bed. "Oh come on! I should've looked there, Dana complained. Victoria laughed and said, "It was Cole's idea." Dana handed her the $5 and for the rest of the day we just laughed and joked around having the best day ever.


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