Have you ever...???

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Have you ever cried???
Have you ever typed in "I'm okay" with tears filled in your eyes???
Have you ever wished to smile without any pain inside???
Have you ever wished to just be happy???
Have you ever wished that all this pain you hid could go away???
Have you ever sat in your room and burst into tears???
Why, why am I being surrounded by pain, why is this pain killing me every single day???
Why am I dying inside alone???
Is it because of the trust issues I have, people who say "I'm here for you" but run away as soon as things fall apart???
In this world you have to stand up for yourself, because after all even your shadow leaves you alone when you are surrounded by darkness, so remember to love yourself and be the one there for yourself, you need to learn how to be strong, there are many people who wish to destroy you, but you have to become your own shield.
I'm lost in this maze of love, lies and pain, someone please help me spread my wings.

I'm lost in this maze of love, lies and pain, someone please help me spread my wings

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Love, lies and painWhere stories live. Discover now