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"i'm so nervous lou." harry says.

"don't worry sweetheart, everything will be fine. they either accept us, or not. if they don't realise how happy and joyful i am with you, then i'll know where i stand with them." louis says turning into his parents driveway. "we should probably finish the rainbow ice cream before we go in there."

once they finish the ice cream, louis rings the doorbell, hearing a distance "coming!" when his mother opens the door, her smile was semi-bright when she looked at louis, but slightly faded when she looked at harry. 

"i want everyone in the living room now." louis says. 

he and harry step inside, while his mother gathers everyone in the living room like louis has asked. 

"this is harry everyone." louis introduced to his family. "he's my boyfriend, we've been together for 3 months now. he makes me happy, and i hope you'll accept that."

all of louis' family looked at each other, before his mother stood up. "if you're happy... i guess i'm happy too." she says hugging louis, then harry. "welcome to the family darling." 

"thank you." harry says quietly. 

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