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clarkegriffin: gonna miss this grouchy face. i'll be back soon. meanwhile, new york, baby!

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emori: my 2 fav humans. have so much fun in ny!!

mistermurphy: whatever

ravenreyes: new york won't know what hit them ;)

Clarke awoke to the sensation of plummeting through the air. She jerked upright, automatically gripping her armrests, inhaling sharply as the plane hit air pockets and fell before retaining normalcy only to fall once again. God, she hated turbulence. 

Soft sunlight filtered through the airplane window, landing on her features and she wrinkled her nose as she adjusted to the brightness. Leaning towards the oval window, she caught a glimpse for the first time of her soon-to-be home. New York City.

Tall skyscrapers stood, planted firmly in the bustling and beautiful city. Bridges spanned across glassy blue water. From this height, the traffic was almost impossible to see but she could practically hear the screech of Taxis wheels against the asphalt. She breathed in slowly, a smile stretching across her lips. Soon enough, she'd be landing at the JFK airport and within the hour she'd be meeting her roommate in their rental apartment.

The world was humming with an expectant energy. Anything could happen now. She was in the city of dreams.

"Hey! I'm Octavia."

Clarke exchanged a quick, affectionate hug with the girl in front of her.

"Clarke. Nice to meet you at last," she leaned her suitcase against the door and breathed, maybe for the first time since the airplane's wheels had hit the tarmac. 

The girl in front of her seemed as though she'd been plucked out of a Greek magazine. Her sleek, dark hair fell over her shoulders, smelling faintly of coconut and sage and her eyes held a dancing mischievousness to them as though she'd been born with a natural inclination to bend the rules.

"Yeah, you too!" came Octavia's response. "What do you think of the city so far?"

"I . . ." Clarke laughed, despite herself, "it's a lot. I've already nearly been hit by a bus -- with the statue of liberty's face on it. It's very different from Maine, I'll say." 

She'd seen photos online of what their apartment would look like but it came short to fully displaying it's beauty. She exhaled softly, a gust of awe, as she moved towards the beautiful windows that stretched from floor to ceiling along a portion of the far wall. 

"What a view, huh?" Octavia followed behind her.

Clarke was too entranced by the sight of buildings awash in a golden hue, glass planes gleaming with sunlight.

"Look, I've lived here all my life, I know the best places to get food. What do you say?"

She finally ripped her gaze away from the towering buildings and rotated to view her companion who was waiting, a brow quirked in anticipation. "I'd like that a lot."

A smile blossomed on Octavia's lips and she tossed a wave of hair over her shoulder. "C'mon, let's go get the best tacos in the city."

"So . . . law, is it?"

"Yup," Clarke took another flavor-soaked bite from her taco and murmured something unintelligible along the lines of, "Octavia these are so damn good."

There was a short burst of laughter. "Are you taking a class with Professor Blake?"

She frowned as she tried to recall her timetable. "That sounds familiar."

"Oh, perfect! He's my dad. I'm not biased, I promise, but he's pretty great."

Clarke's eyes widened at this new revelation. With her mouth full, she attempted to reply, "what? That's awesome!"

Octavia shook her head, a smile teasing the corners of her lips. "You'll love it, I'm sure. Although . . . I must warn you. I know some other people also planning on taking his class this semester." She paused thoughtfully. "It's likely you won't run into them but just as a fair warning, I'd advise you to stay away from a certain few. They're a little . . ." She shook her head as though to shake away the thought before she could continue. "Forget it. It'll be great. You'll love his class so much."

Clarke studied Octavia's expression for a moment, thoughts of confusion swirling within her mind. What was she talking about? Or, more specifically, who was she talking about? But Octavia continued, launching into a conversation about the best shops just around the corner from their place and Clarke thought it best not to ask. It was clear there was something she wasn't letting on to but Clarke wasn't willing to ruin her one friendship. 

Besides, how bad could they be?

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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