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That night, Mikes voice cut out. He stopped talking and you could hear something in the background. Like, manic laughter.


"Jonathon?" I open the door slightly to my brothers room.

"Will. Hi." He turns to face me.

"Do you know where Derry is?" I ask.

"Yeah doofus, we're moving there." He messes with my hair.

"Yeah but I..." I stop and glance at his desk.

"Can I borrow your computer?" I ask him. He backs away from his desk.

"Sure." He stands up and turns on music. I'm too distracted to listen.

Search: Derry, Maine in...
I'm not finished typing when the first result  shocks me.

"What about Derry?" My mom asks, coming in with two bottles of water.

"N-nothing" I stutter, quickly shutting off the screen.

"Mom have you heard from Mrs. Wheeler?" O ask. She shakes her head.

"Not since Thursday." She answers.

"Two days before." I say to myself.

"Two days before what?" She asks.

"Can I go find the guys? And Max and El?" I ask, standing up. My mom nods.

"Don't stay out after 9. Who's house?" She asks in that annoying mother way.

"Probably Dustin's." I tell her.

"You will be at Dustin's house and Jonathon will be coming to pick you up at 9pm sharp. Understood?" I nod. I run to my room, grab my walkie talkie, and try to get ahold of Dustin.

"Yolo." Dustin answers abruptly.

"Can I come over? It's about Mike." I explain.

"Yeah. Come over now. My mom isn't home." He tells me.

"Okay be there in 10." I grab my backpack and put my walkie talkie in it. Then, I head out to the garage to grab my bike.

"Dustin!" I call, parking my bike outside the garage.

"Hi Willy! Dustin should be upstairs." His dad says gently.

"Thanks Mr. Henderson."

"Dustin! I'm here." I call.

"Dustin?" I repeat.

"Dustin I swear if you jump out at me..." I swing the door to his room open. He's not in there. I notice something in the corner so I go to pick it up.

"What's this?" It looks like a deflated red balloon.

"Huh?" Is Dustin missing too?

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