Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Bella's point of view:

A cool breeze caresses my face, and a slight shiver pulses through my body. Two familiar arms pull me into a warm embrace. We sit together in the sand, and admire the beautiful sunset. I rest myself between his legs, with my back against his sturdy chest that holds his loving heart. The rays of the disappearing sun reflect off the water like a mirror, seeming as though a single touch would break it into a million pieces.

Honestly, I'm completely content with everything in my life at the moment.
I just finished moving into an apartment in Los Angeles, California with my fiancé, Harry, who just recently proposed to me. It took us a while, but we finally found a place that suited what we wanted. It's not that we're picky at all, it's just that we were raised in less high fashion complexes, and more cozy home environments. In Los Angeles, it was hard to find a place that feels like home to us. Finally, we found the perfect place. I'm sure eventually we will move into an actual house together someday in the future, possibly if a new addition was to ever come along and join the two of us.

Harry is originally from the village of Holmes Chapel in England and I grew up in a small town in the state of Wisconsin. I'm used to frigid,
Snowy winters and evergreens. Warm beeches and palm trees are definitely an amazing change for me. I had moved out to LA with a few of my best friends for college. I thought it would just be temporary, until I met Harry. Long story short, I originally met Harry in England during my last year of college while studying abroad. He's always wanted to live in LA, so now here we are.

My parents seemed somewhat against my idea of moving here, but It's one of my biggest pet peeves when people doubt my decisions, so naturally I went for it. I don't get to see them as often as I'd like, and the same goes for Harry and his family back home. But as long as we have each other, it's all that matters.

My immediate family is boringly normal. It was just me, my brother Matt, and my parents. Harry's family is a tad more complicated. His mother, Anne, and biological father, Des, divorced when he was young. Unfortunately, Des hasn't had much to do with Harry since then. Recently though, Anne got remarried to a wonderful man named Robin, who acts as the fatherly figure in Harry's life. He also as a sister named Gemma, and I love her to death.

I manage several medical clinics and Harry owns a couple recording studios in the area. He has a passion for music and the arts, as do I. I always felt that Music is a power that holds endless meanings. My curiosity of health and science comes from my background. When I was a child, I was diagnosed with an incurable disease, and I was always driven to learn more.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted-

"Bella, Whatcha thinking about?", he asks me in his rich British accent. I could listen to that beautiful voice and never get tired of it. I realize I've been zoning out for the past few minutes.

"Well, I've just been think about us...and what's ahead of us. I'm so happy we did this," I add.

He takes me with him as he collapses back into the sand that cushions our fall like a pillow. I pull myself closer to him while I stare up at the sky. It looks like a watercolor puzzle of brilliant golden reds, oranges, and pinks.

"Me too," he replies and kisses the top of my head. "I love you".

"I love you," I echo.

I adore moments like this; where you don't have a single worry on your mind. I can honestly say that I didn't know what love was until now. God sent Harry to me at just the right time in my life, and I truly cherish what we have together.

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