just talking

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Bleh this will be a boring chapter if you don't like rants but oh well, skip this is you want.

Anyway  I'm going to dye my hair either black or purple I haven't decided yet, so Yea know that's cool.

Going camping with my really good friend this coming weekend so I won't update the days I'm gone.

Just got done with marching band camp thing, it's like a trial run for the newbies of marching band. So that's why I haven't updated as much.

Also finals are coming up fast.....  Fun... So I may become distant on here until next week because ya girl gotta study for that.  (let's be honest I'm not going to study as I should and I probably will post but.... I'm just just pretend I study )

I also have a band concert this coming weekend...  And I'm going camping....  We'll see how this weekend works out

Bleh life update that nobody asked for... Any way request shows that you want to see memes from, I'm thinking about adding The Umbrella Academy memes in here but I need more shows so start requesting in the comments.

Welp Yea peace out emo bros  🖤

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