Chapter 9

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Reichi wasn't at school the following day- and through a text that Seiichi received during the school day- Seiichi wasn't all too concerned, though his teammates were. Enough for Jackal, Kirihara, Nio, and Bunta to drag everyone to Echizen's place after school. Even after Seiichi told them all Reichi was just sick with a small cold from being in the rain the other day and from the exhaustion the day prior- that didn't deter them any. So here they were walking down the street as a group toward the train station. And on their way past the usual place they order their jerseys, Seiichi stopped them and stepped inside, a bell above the door ringing and an older man stepping out from the back to greet him.

"Hello, I'm picking up a jersey for Rikkaidai Fuzoku Chuu- Echizen Reichi." The older man looked over and smiled slightly. "Ah! Yes. I've been wondering about that jersey. It's rather small, isn't it? Is it yours, young man?" Seiichi shook his head. "No, we have a first-year on our regular team this year. That's why it's rather small." The older man stopped, staring at Seiichi before getting the order from the back with a simple nod. "Three tracksuits in size extra small." He said, handing over a bag with a wary smile. "I'm excited to see such a young player in the world of you pro-rankers." Seiichi offered a polite smile and nod before leaving the shop, holding the bag in his left hand as he rejoined his group. The group chatted idly on their way to the train station, Nio and Bunta getting distracted a handful of times at shops they passed and Jackal having to remind them they were going to see Echizen.

They continued on their way to the train station and each got their own tickets before heading toward the Toyko district by train, keeping quiet and to themselves as they waited.

By the time they got to Toyko and off the train, the streets were a little packed with people. So they all stuck close as they headed to Echizen's house, Kirihara having an arm slung over Bunta's shoulder, Nio's hand gripping Kirihara's shirt loosely while Jackal had at least two hands fisted into the back of his shirt. Yagyu and Renji were far more professional, walking shoulder to shoulder beside each other and moving over when needed, Seiichi leading the group with Sanada just barely behind him. The group came across the regulars of Seigaku- a rival team, and the school that Ryoma Echizen goes to, standing outside the Echizen household as well. And having learned yesterday that Ryoma Echizen did, in fact, play tennis, this wasn't all too surprising.

"Ah, Tezuka. Did your Echizen not go to school as well?" The group of Seigaku members turned in surprise. "No, Echizen didn't come to school today, Momoshiro was concerned." Tezuka supplied, standing a bit straighter. "And I take you're all here to see his brother? What was his name Inui?" Inui straightened a bit. "Echizen Reichi," He said simply, staring at the group of Rikkaidai members, a slight tension built between the rival schools before Kirihara huffed and pressed his finger to the house buzzer.

'Hello?' A female voice rang out, Nanako, the twin's cousin, "Hi, we're looking for Echizen... Uh... Reichi-kun... Is he in?" Kirihara stumbled a bit over his words as he spoke. "Yes, he's in, uhm. Are the Seigaku members out there as well?" "Yup yup, they are!" Kirihara responded with ease. Hearing a confirmation for the- relatively large- group of boys to come in, a mixture of casual clothes from the Seigaku boys and school uniforms from the Rikkaidai boys.

They all crowded into the entry, taking their shoes off before stepping aside as they were greeted by Ranko and Nanjiro. "Hello everyone, Reichi got sick from staying out in the storm the other day in Kanagawa. Ryoma stayed home to help him out. Thank you all for coming to see the boys." Seiichi and Sanada followed behind the group of Seigaku boys as they walked to the living room to sit down, Somehow cramming everyone from both regular teams into the small living space to talk for a bit before Nanako came in with tea. "Reichi is in the middle of an argument with Ryoma right now, so I'd suggest staying in here for a little bit." She said softly, setting the serving plate with the teapot and a variety of cups down, as well as a dish of sugar and cream. Wandering off before Seiichi stood and followed after her.

"He is alright, yes? Just... Just a cold?" Nanako startled a bit before softening and nodding. "Yes, just a cold." He went back to the group, and about ten minutes later Ryoma came out, hair a mess and clothes rumpled a slight bit. Clear agitation on his facial features as he grunted and grumbled.

"I can't talk any sense into him. Tell him one thing he does the damn opposite." He grumbled, settling near his upperclassmen once he greeted everyone. And with that, the Rikkaidai member bid everyone farewell as they moved to see Reichi. Shuffling toward the still-cracked bedroom door and Seiichi stepped forward to knock. "Echizen? Sorry for the surprise visit... A few of the teammates got a little... Antsy- per se- at you not being at practice or in school. Ended up dragging all of us to come and see you- may we come in?" He waited- for something. And when he heard a soft thud on the wall he pushed the door open, seeing Reichi sitting on his bed with a medical mask covering his face. Coughing every now and then, audible coughs, shoulders shaking softly with every cough. Vocals obviously straining around the noise as they came out in slightly wheezing coughs, but it was audible noise from the usually silent boy. 

It made smiles come to their faces as they let the boy settle down a bit, deciding not to comment on the audible noise coming from the sick boy.

A small smile- that made his visible eye crinkle at the edge and cheek raise a bit- and they might not be able to see it but they could enjoy the presence of it while it lasted. It was obviously a rare sight- Reichi smiling- so they savored it and hoped someday soon they'd be able to see it without a mask in the way. This was an enjoyable Reichi- not a frowning boy who held too much on his shoulders, or a stressed boy who held up to insults that shouldn't be thrown at him. But just a happy, young boy who was enjoying their company.

Seiichi's hand clenched a bit around the handle of the bag he held, slowly holding it out to Reichi. "We picked this up on our way here. They're yours." His voice softened drastically, smiling ever so softly at their newest member, who tilted his head and slowly took the bag handle in his own hand. Setting the bag in his lap as he slowly picked up the iconic yellow and black jersey of the Rikkaidai tennis team. Eye shining with a newfound fire. He was happy- he was a regular, and he wouldn't get looked down on- at practice anyway.

He hoped, deep down, that maybe, just maybe, being a regular at a school that practically worshipped the tennis team he wouldn't get singled out anymore. He wouldn't be treated so differently by the student body. But yet he knew- deep down yet not so deep- he would still get bullied and teased, and insults thrown at him because people didn't like different. 

And he was different.



Completely redo- This one didn't take as long as I thought it would????

Anyway- forgot to but word count in the last chapter- but I don't remember how many words Ch. 8 had to begin with.

[Old] Word Count: 450+ (in that range)

[New] Word Count: 1097.


(8/8/22 1:14 AM)

This one was kinda fun to add some stuff too! A bit of change in the dialogue between Seiichi and Tezuka, as well as a bit more insight into the Rikkaidai boys hearing Reichi make noise for the first time fully.

Grammar fixes

Tense fixes

Usual shit now.

[New New] Word Count: 1376

(02/03/23 3:10 AM)

The Silence In The Dark (Prince of Tennis) ||REWRITE||Where stories live. Discover now