Chapter 46| Homecoming

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8:07 pm; Friday- Midtown Highschool

Speakers boomed. Lights flashed. People talked and laughed. Although my last homecoming, well, you know... went badly - I still remember the atmosphere exactly like this. Lively. Vibrant.

Maria stood next to me, taking in the scenery as well. Although most people entering the party just pushed past us, we stood there for a while just observing everything.

I noticed Maria paused a second, looking up at the ceiling as she squinted. Her eyes suddenly widened and she looked full of glee.

"Look Peter!" she pointed at a lit lantern on the ceiling, "That's the one I made! We were making lanterns in art class, and I never thought they would choose Ashtyn's and mine-" but then she stopped herself, like catching her breath and trying to hold it back. The once love and joy in her face disappeared into a sad and lost look, that nobody at a party should have.

I knew Ashtyn hasn't been close with Maria the past week, which still didn't quite make sense. I don't think Maria did anything, but whenever she attempted at talking to her best friend she would just make an excuse or not even say anything at all as she hurried away. Maria tried to avoid the subject with me like she didn't want to think about it, so I would never force her to talk about it. She had plenty of other friends, but Ashtyn was her best friend. And I don't think they have ever had a dilemma like this before.

I reached down to her side and squeezed her hand as a sign of reassurance.

"Hey - it's okay. Let's just go have some fun tonight and forgot about that. I'm sure Ned is going to be excited to see us, " I try to encourage her. It must have worked because she gave me a weak smile and nodded in agreement. I smiled back and grabbed her arm to lead her out to the dance floor.

An upbeat song was playing as we arrived around the middle of the dancing crowd, where the only space was available. Students were jumping, twirling, singing, and more. Maria was smiling now widely at the energy and too began to dance around. It was cute. I danced along with her and twirled her around. I grabbed her hands and swung her back and forth. She laughed, but it was barely audible over the loud music.

"I LOVE THIS SONG!" she yelled over the music at me. She nodded her head to the beat and moved her body to the tune. I had no clue what the song was but found her excitement over it fun anyway.

"GIVE ME YOUR HAND!" She lends out her hand to me, and I twirled her up like in a salsa dance and spun her out. She was laughing until I accidentally sent her too far out where she stumbled into the back of someone.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to-"

But I knew who she was before Maria even knew.

Ashtyn turned around silently to face Maria. Maria looked petrified and Ashtyn looked indefensible. Not only did Ashtyn showed up, but she had a date. And not just any date. No, no, no - it was Kade Austin.

I must have looked just as aghasted as Maria because Kade came to Ashtyn's side and sneered.

"Maria and Peter, the ultimate couple... goals. Glad to see you made it to homecoming, " he spoke so arrogantly like he knew this was how we would react. Ashtyn and Kade? No... she would never. HE WOULD NEVER.

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