Poem 2

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"I lost you"

Where do I even begin?
I don't know anymore.
So lost, so alone,
Unable to see like once before

Now surrounded by darkness
Cause you- you were my light
Thinking back to what was shared
Thinking back to each night

I trusted you, with the most fragile things
And here I am stuck picking up the pieces
I was broken, and you fixed me
Till you were the one who through me to the sea

I don't hate you, I hate me.
Why did I open up so easily?
Why did I break down these walls
Knowing these things have the worst downfall

Why did I think I deserved this
I am not worthy
I'm just little ol me
No one wants me

And now, now it's all ruined
The very thing we tried to protect
It's like it was all for nothing
What ever we had, now, it's Wrecked

And this. It's my biggest regret
Letting it go this far; getting so attached
Your words destroyed me, I was so upset
Because genuinely I thought WE were a perfect matched

So finally I say farewell
I know it's easier said then done but I'm trying
I hope things can go back to normal
What ever that is now

I hope things turn out okay
Although I don't know how easy that will be
All that's left to say is thank you
Thank you for destroying the only good in my life, and showing me how alone I always was.

Love is good till it's gone (a book of poetry)Where stories live. Discover now