Just a Smidge of Hope

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My room is pretty much empty, all the pictures are gone off the walls and all the furniture is down in the truck. Its been six hours since Eliza was in the car accident, turns out it was a drunk driver. Our Uncle Ted had sent a moving company to pick us up. I take one last look around my room, so much has happened in the past four days its unreal. Sometimes I wish I could just turn back time. I sit on my bare hardwood floor and listen to the sounds around me. You can hear the boys putting the stuff in the back of the moving truck. So many memories are in this room, I can still see Harry and I sitting on my bed when we were six. I can still see us playing with his army men on the floor. The corners of my mouth turn into a smile. "Everythings a packed and ready to go," Harry appears in the doorway. I just run into his arms and bury myself into him, "Don't forget me." He says pulling me tight.

"How could I ever forget you," I feel several tears escape my eyes. "I should be the one to worry. You are a world famous pop star for crying out loud! So many girls see you as a sex god," Harry shakes his head.

"I could never forget the girl who made me, me."

My Uncle honks the horn of the moving van and I sigh, "That's my call. Now I promise." I take a deep breth and wait for him to join in.

"With my pinky toe that I won't double cross you even after I go ten feet under. This is an unbreakable promise with two insperable friends till the end. I swear to keep this oath forever and ever and ever. Tacos," We say in unison.

"Goodbye Harry," I leave him in the room heading down the stairs if I saw him any longer I would have brust into tears. Before I open the door I wipe the rims of my eyes. Outside Olivia is in Niall's arms with a sad look on her face. Everyone had the same look, it broke my heart even more. "I'll miss you all. Visit me when you can and I'll do the same," I throw a half smile on my face. Next thing I know I am in the middle of a giant group hug.

"We'll fight to bring you home," Liam whispers. How could I get so close to them in just four days? It feels like I've known them for a lifetime already. "That's a promise we'll keep."

"Avery, Aleea let's go," My uncle stands by the van. He has jet black hair cut short and a stuble to go with it. Of course it had to be the uncle that hated us. Not to forget he lives in Germany! I can't wait until I turn eighteen and get my sister and I out of this. Sadly that's six months away, I can't wait that long.

Avery heads over to the van but I stand my ground, "Aleea Josiphine Manning lets go." My uncle pesters.

I shake my head violently, "Hell to the no." I respond.

"What did you just say?"

"I said we are not going with you. I don't care if I'm not eighteen. I'm old enough to make my own diecisons, for my sister and I," I reitterate.

"Just get in the damn van Aleea," My uncle hops in the drivers side. I look over to Olivia.

"Do you have that pocket knife I gave you," She nods and hands me it. I go over to the van and slit one of the front tires. "See if we get anywhere now," I snort.

"Fine I never wanted to take you anyways. You are two ungrateful snobs," My uncle hops out of the van and calls for a cab. I turn around to my friends they all are smiling.

"I guess we're staying," I grin.

We all have a mini party until Harry comes out of the house with his eyes closed, "Is she gone?" Everyone seems worried and has no idea what to say. So I go up to him and stand right in front of him. I go on my tip toes and plant my lips firmly on his, "Al?" Harry opens his eyes breaking away from the kiss. "Al!" Harry screams picking me up and spining me around and around. He falls and I am on top of him. His curls are everywhere, "Are you staying?" There's a small gleam of hope in his emerald green eyes.

I think for a moment, "The truth is I don't know. I do hope though." The corners of my mouth turn into a smile.

Harry chuckles, "Just a smidge of hope is all we need."

"Sorry to interupt this moment," Avery uses her hands as she talks. "But we kind of need a place to go," She has a point.

Liam smiles, "Told you we keep our promises."

Sorrry its so short! Life has been busy lately :/ so I'll probably update less often. School is being school and I hate it. But I will try and update as much as possible. Promise :) Well anyways this story has about five or six chapters left. So not much more!

Live Lagh Love (PS that's not a typo it's ment to be lagh)


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