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< Helloooo my lovelies!~ Welcome to my latest story! I hope you enjoy it and the ship almost as much as I love them too!~ Baxter x Charlie are my #1 Hazbin OTP, yes. XD  And I wanna write a sweet story about them! I felt like it!~ I love them so much!~ <3

This is my first Canon x Canon story, so I hope I do well on it!
I might add some OCs, but they will have supportive or minor roles.

And probably as mostly, my stupid starters start of crappy.. Eh.. I hope you enjoy the story anyway!

Anyway! We'll start with their first meeting! >

It was a normal day in Hell. Baxter was at his current home, which he somewhat hated, because it was an old looking cabin in a swamp. He was trying to come up with some plan on his blueprints, trying to figure out what new invention to work on. However, his mind wasn't functioning correctly, right now, he had no idea what to work on or what to come up with..

He rubs his fingers against his head/hair as his elbow was on the desk, he held a pencil in his other hand, his arm was placed on the desk, as he was staring at his blue print that had nothing drawn or wroten on it.. But nothing.. He, had no idea what to do.. He groaned, dropping his pencil, letting go of his head, and leaned back on his chair, and silently stared up at the ceiling.. 

He was thinking, but not about a new invention, about his life.. He closed his eyes, remembering his past..

He was once a great scientist! ..A mad scientist.. He not just invanted, but also used animals as test subjects from the beginning, but years after that, he swtiched to humans.. He kidnapped humans of all ages, and used them as his guina bigs, he did some crazy experiments on them. For example, he once tried to see if a human can survive without a body, attaching their heads only to some machine. It often failed, so he tried to improve it in any possible ways till it worked. He cut off body parts of humans, and replaced them with another persons, or an animal's if it was the right size, if a human could use it like their originals or not.  And many other messed up things he did to people or animals. He wasn't good at inventing, he was also good with chemistry, and surgeries, but he prefered his mad science over the mad doctor job.
Until it was discovered that he killed some people, so he had to get away somehow before the cops got him! So he went to the Titanic to move away someplace alse. But sadly the Titanic his the iceberg, slowly sank, and he was sadly one of the victims. His death was painful.. And horrible..

He opens his eyes and stared blankly up at the ceiling.. "...I've commited quite the sins.. And now, I am being punished for them, huh?" He softly said to himself with a frown on his face.. He looked around his lab, looking at all his inventions, machines, chemicals, and some of the animals he captured around the swamp to use as his guina pigs.. He let out a soft sigh after a moment, then stood up, took his gloves off, and walked away as he was taking off his lab coat, heading towards a hanger left next to the door. He put his lab coat on the hanger. He opened the door, turned the lights off to his lab, then walked out through the door.

He headed towards the kitchen, he was gonna try and make himself something to eat. But unlickily for him, there wasn't much inside the fridge.. He groaned a bit in irritation, then went to check the cabinets, but nothing much there, a small spider crawled out of one of the cabinets even and crawled onto his arm. He hisses and smacked it off. "Damn insect!!" He shouted. He was out of ideas for a new invention or experiment, he was hungry, but didn't have anything to eat, he lived in a fucking swamp he hated also, there were all kinds insects around, and lots of them enter his house, there were some animals that nearly broke in, but mostly they were out and made some noise, but it kept him up for the night. The place was a bit dirty also, no matter how much he cleaned it, the walls were often smelling like mold, and termites ate some of the wood. He was so tired of this shit-pit and fucked up life, he just wanted to live someplace better.. But for now, he couldn't affort it, he was broke, nor did he know where else to go..

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