The friendly Neighbor!

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It's been some weeks now.
Each time Baxter went out to steal food or drinks, or some technology that demons threw away, like a phone, a cable, computer, refrigerator, oven, microwave, or anything really, for him to take and use the parts that weren't damaged or anything for new inventions or to improve some of his current ones that needed it. He hasn't seen Devika since that day.. And he was happy he hasn't. He disliked her and was very slightly afraid of her, because he knew that he was surprising, and could appear out of no where and attack at any time she desires. He always carried one or two of his laser guns he made, for self-protection. Very rarely he doesn't use them, possibly because he gets in a panic and it distracts him for a little, or his hands were full of something. Like that one time with Devika. He was more focused in escaping with the food..

He hasn't heard much about the Princess of Hell, except that the Happy Hotel was finished and everyone was welcomed. Baxter wasn't sure. He really wanted a new place to stay, but.. All those people.. Especially the kids.. He hated the kids.. He wasn't sure, he was still thinking about it.

He was once tired of staying all bored in his dumb cabin, so he decided to go out for some fresh air. He knew a nice river close by, he might just go there like how he often does to relax and chill, and think more clearly. He put on some different boots he used when going outside in the swamp, and a coat. He took one of his laser guns before going out as well, it was unknown if an animal would attack him or not, so just in case.. You can never be to safe!

He then went out and headed for the river. Unknown to him, there was already someone by the river. It was Alastor the Radio Demon. Alastor lived in the same swamp as Baxter. But his home was in a different direction than Baxter's. Alastor had two homes, One somewhere out in the city, more classy and fancy looking, while his second one was a nice wooden one in the swamp. He often came here to stay. He felt more calm, relaxed, and relieved being around nature, and the air was always so fresh as well, unlike the one in the city that often smelled like smoke from chimneys or vehicles.

Alastor's one ear twitched a little, he heard a noise coming from near by, someone or something was coming closer and closer. Alastor smirked, and hid in the shadows, waiting for his new prey.

Baxter soon came out of the bushes, and grumbled a few things about them and some branche that got stuck on his coat or face or hair or fins and pulled or scratched him a little. He hated this place, but found the river quite nice, and made him relax a little as he watched the trees, and some animals who aren't dangerous or scared eating the grass or drinking the water, the birds chirping and singing their melody, the river making it's sounds as it moved a little, or it's splashing sounds if an animal goes in or drinks from it, and the view was gorgeous, the river looked so beautiful and sparkly as light shun on it from above.

< Tbh, I imagine it a bit different looking than the picture, but was the best I could find for now. >

Baxter sat down on the ground admiring nature, listening to it's melody

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Baxter sat down on the ground admiring nature, listening to it's melody.. After a minute or so a slight smile appeared on his face, he seemed a little more relieved. Alastor saw it wasn't an animal but another living being. He wasn't sure if he should kill this person or not, they didn't seem like a huge threat, he could sense his abilities, and the only ones he had was the typical fish ones.. And some of his own. He could breathe underwater, had razor sharp teeth, and supreme inteligence and intelect. And he could possibly swim well in this form, but didn't seem to know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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