2019/2020 re-editing project

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The volume 3 drafting project comes 12 years after the release of Volume 1 at the Fnac of Victor Hugo, in Grenoble. It was in 2007.

Many things have changed, and since the first lines I started writing for Bilevert, I grew up about fifteen years ago. The vocabulary changes, so does the style, as well as the interests.

At the time of writing, we are in 2019 and I am 30 years old. Volume 2 and Volume 1, have had their presentation change on the month of April, because I now use another software for the layout more convenient when there are many images.

You will see on https://mad-ev.com/litteratures links to access either the 2007 edition or the 2019/2020 edition.

An English version exists for Volume 1 (this one ^^), perhaps soon for Volume 2.

The presentation is not the only reason for the need for re-editing. Indeed, the drafting of Volume 3 requires additional content in Volume 1 and 2 to be able to stick to the story.

For those who already know history, the 2019/2020 edition will allow you to guess who will be one of the main characters in Volume 3, because it will appear in the two previous volumes.

To find out more about Volume 3, go to the end of Volume 2 :-)

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