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Savoring the silence, Dax smiled as he closed his eyes. The music from the hall was vague but he knew the song at heart. And just by hearing it, Dax could feel a warm caress soothing his tortured soul. He started to hum, drumming his index finger on his knees to the rhythm, his eyes still closed.

“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!”

“You’re blocking the sun, Honey.” Dax gazed lazily at the most beautiful bride he’d ever seen in his whole life. “What are you doing here? We’re not supposed to see you before you walk down the aisle, remember?”

Hope made a face. Dax felt a déjà vu as he remembered the first time he’d met Hope Villanueva and fell helplessly in love with her. His feelings grew every day. “You’re making me nervous, Hope. Are you gonna call off the wedding?”

Hope giggled as she stared at those almost pleading, dark eyes. Those are Dax’s way to ease her whenever she’s too tensed and too nervous. He’d always say the things she’d wanted to hear but never really want to do. “As if!”

“Aw, come on!” He rolled his eyes, exaggerating his annoyance. “Give me a sensible reason, just one good reason why you’d marry a smart and  handsome, rich guy?”

She fixed his bowtie and smiled greedily at him. “Love,”

It was Dax’s turn to make a face.

Hope’s laughter, music to his ears, stopped halfway as the sun’s ray bounced from something behind the bushes and back to her eyes. She squinted,  her brow knitted as she picked up an in-canned beer from the flower bed. “You... ugh! Shame on you, Mr. Dakila Cardenas!”  She eyed him, her expression annoyance and irritation. “You’re drinking?! You’re having a drink in a church… and at our wedding!!”

Dax smiled sheepishly, stood up and threw the half-empty can in to the waste basket. “I was nervous, what was I supposed to do?” He stared at her loving brown eyes at etched on his mind how much he made her happy today. “You should get back on the car now. Any moment, the ceremony will start and --.”

“But I wanted to talk to you about something.”

He frowned. “What?”

Hope stepped closer and hugged him tightly. “I’ll always love you and I will always, always be here for you no matter what.”

After willing all his strength, Dax let go of their embrace then kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose. “You’re really corny, you know? I’ve always wondered why I keep up with you but just the same; I’ll be by your side forever.”

“214?” it’s their theme song.

“214. 143, 5254, I’m for you.” He chuckled. “We’re soul mates, remember?”

Hope wrinkled her nose. “Well, soul mate, I have a gift for you.”

“Oh?” She planted a tiny velvet box on his palm, blushing. “But… this is your – “

“Yup!” She took the ring and slipped it on Dax’ left ring finger. It won’t fit so Hope decided to put it in his pinkie. “This is ‘our’ engagement ring, Dax.”


“Dax, when I had this, it made me feel as if I’m the most beautiful and the happiest girl…” she grinned. “No woman. I am the happiest woman in the whole universe.”

Smiling, Dax shook his head. “I know, but aren’t you going to keep it just for memories’ sake?”

“Memories will always be in my heart, as you are to me. I know how much you have given up making me happy and I really, really appreciate everything. I promise you that no one’s gonna break that bond between us. You are my soul mate and with this ring, I pledge my love, loyalty and forever friendship with you.”

Misty eyed, Dax hugged her again and stroked her hair.

“Hey, you two!” the bridesmaid’s head popped out from the huge oak door. “Are there gonna be a wedding or not?”

“Alright, we’re coming!” Hope started to walk back to the car when Dax called. She turned, her brow raised.

“Did I tell you you’re corny?” Hope giggled and Dax smiled sheepishly. “But I love you, anyway.”

“You may now kiss the bride!” The priest announced lovingly and everyone applauded happily. The union of two hearts and the story of one great love had touched the crowd. The ceremony made everyone very emotional. Even Dax couldn’t help himself, he felt his eyes moistened. He checked himself and made sure that there was no single regret hiding in the deepest part of his heart. There was none. He started to walk down the hall.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Isagani Halabaso!”

“Dax, wait up!”

“Huh?” He stopped near the exit door. Gani was half-running towards him. “Hey…”

“Hope told me about your trip to Buffalo, it’s a shame you can’t come to the reception.”

“Yeah… uh, did she tell you about the ring?” He’s about to take it but won’t slip off. He grinned. “I can just mail it back to you.”

Gani shrugged. ”Nah. I gave it to Hope and she gave it to you. I don’t what for but I guess it’s just as special as what is between us. After all, you two had been friends since high school.”

“Well, she said it’s the symbol of our friendship and her commitment to both of us. You know Hope, she’s very sentimental.” He smiled. “Anyway, congratulations and best wishes again.”

They shook hands. “How long are you going to be there?”

Dax shrugged as he heaved a sigh. “A couple of months or three, I don’t know. It really depends on how this vacation would turn out. Who knows? I might find the woman who could cook me dinner and hold my hands ‘till dawn, I may stay there for good.”

“Aren’t you gonna say goodbye to Hope?”

Dax looked at Hope and smiled. “She’ll understand. Besides, friends never say goodbye. 214.”

“Okay. Thanks for being my best man.”

“It’s nothing. “ He brushed his hair with his finger as he smiled wryly. “You’ve actually saved me from being the bridesmaid.

the best manМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя