Chapter Two

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(Y/n)'s Pov

When we got of the train, we were greeted by a friendly half giant named Hagrid. He lead us - fist years - to some enchanted boats. The four boys from before were in one of the boats. Lily and Sev were in a boat with Hagrid and all the others were full. Except one, no one took it cause it was a bit damaged, but I had no other choice. The small journey was peaceful and calm. The castle looked amazing with light coming from the windows.

After we reached the boat house, Hagrid lead us to the entrance of what I assume is the Great Hall and left. I was chatting with Lily and Sev until an old looking witch came "Attention, children. I'm professor McGonagall. When you go through these doors you will join your fellow classmates. But before you can sit you will be sorted into your houses. There are four houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. While you're at Hogwarts your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points." she explained. "Now, we are ready for you." she exclaimed while opening the doors.

All the kids were in awe. I looked around the ceiling looked like the night sky. At the front of the room there was a table for the professors, Dumbledore was sitting in the middle. Soon we reached the front and McGonagall continued explaining "When I call your name, you will come up and sit on the stool. After you are sorted, you'll go and sit with your house."

"James Potter!" the boy from before came up "GRYFFINDOR!" the sorting hat shouted. Kids were being sorted every minute or so. Lily was sorted into Gryffindor and Sev got into Slytherin "(Y/n) (L/n)!" when my name was called I made my way over to the stool. I sat down and the older lady placed the hat on my head.

"Ah a brave one you are, very brave indeed. But kindhearted as well, cunning yet for good reasons. Intelligent as well. You will do great things." the hat talked inside my head. I waited for a little longer "Best make it... (Y/H)!"

That night changed my life. Life was great, sure I got bullied, but I had the best friends I could ever have. At the end of the year Dumbledore brought me to my real family. I had a grandfather - George (L/n) and an older brother Evan. We were a rich half blood family that lived in the muggle world. Actually my family had a mansion in Cokeworth so I still could hang out with Lily and Sev.

Then in my third year of Hogwarts I met Angela and Lucifer. Now I know that I might sound crazy, but Angie is an angel and Luci is a demon. Apparently I'm known as a rare case, a demon angel. A demon angel is a person who can't be on either side, good or bad by their guardians choice. They helped me through some tough times when nobody else could.

When I was 19 a war broke out in the Angel/Demon realm, of course I couldn't leave Angie and Luci alone after all they did. So I fought in the war for freedom and we won. Of course it took six years in the Angel/Demon realm, but only two in the Human realm. I came back home October 31 1981. I had a calm and peaceful evening.

Until... The next morning, I got my Daily Prophet and what I read had me heartbroken 'On 31 October He Who Must Not Be Named was defeated by the young Harry Potter. Yet in the process The Dark Lord killed Lily and James Potter. This day will be remembered as the day that the Wizarding world was saved and the sad loss of the Potters.' I couldn't read anymore if I was there I could've stopped Voldemort. "Ange, Luci!" I called out to them "Yeah?" they said in unison while coming to the kitchen. "Could you arrange a meeting for me with The Council? I need to fix something." I Said as calmly as possible "Of course. I think they are free today. Is that a good time?" Angie asked "Anytime soon is a good time." I answered.

In a few hours I was heading straight to see The Council. "Ah, (Y/n), it's good to see you again. What did you need?" "I would like to go back in time to change history. We all know that that's not how it was supposed to be." I said "But you do know the consequences, right?" "I know, I know. To save a life one must die. And I know that I'll be cursed. And I know that I'll still have all of my memories from this life." "Are you sure about this?" "Yes I'm pretty sure. Now what's my curse going to be?" "It will be challenging because you'll slowly become a sociopath." they said "Isn't being a sociopath more of a mental problem than a curse." I said "Oh you'll understand that it's a curse. But I can tell that you are determined about this so go ahead and change history." The Council granted me my wish and bid me good luck.

And this is where my actual journey begins.

Sorry I'm bit ill and my brain can hardly function. So if there are any mistakes or if it's just cringy blame my germs. Anyway hope you liked it and sorry for not uploading for a while. Love y'all.

Changing History [Severus Snape x Fem!Reader] Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now