Chapter 1

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It was finally time for them to exact their last revenge upon the main source of all their agony over the past four years. All the suffering they'd endured, all the sleep they'd lost, and all the times they were forced to either eat the unsavory meals the school provided or starve. Yes, it was time to pull their senior prank. Or at least, it should have been.

That is if all the other seniors weren't a bunch of wimps who couldn't handle the so-called severity of their chosen prank. She for one thought it was a stroke of pure genius. Honestly, securing every single item within the school to the ceiling was going to go down in history as the most legendary senior prank of all time.

But all the others were too scared of the consequences of getting caught. Well, almost all of them, she thought, while looking at the only other senior who wasn't too chicken to show up. She glared at him as he blew another bubble with his cotton-candy-pink bubblegum. He was wearing a superman shirt with black denim jeans that secured themselves to his form quite nicely, along with his signature eye mask resting delicately on the top his head.

His appearance only served to irritate her more, and she let out a barely audible growl. "Why are you here?" she asked, making her annoyance clear.

"Why, China. I knew you were dumb but I didn't think you were this dumb. I'm a senior, too."

Damn him, she thought, I knew he was a senior but I thought he wouldn't have shown up like the rest of them. But, of course she should've known better. "I know you're a senior, I just figured you'd wimp out in the end like the rest of those scaredy-cats. Unfortunately it seems I assumed wrong," she spit back with no small amount of disappointment.

She watched as his eyes flashed for a split second before they were reined back in behind that elusive mask of his. She tried to identify the emotion she saw in those eyes. It looked to her like hurt, maybe a little bit of bitterness too. But that didn't make any sense. She was snapped out of her thoughts however as he spoke up again.

"Well then, shall we get started? The sooner this is over the better, right?"

Kagura nodded her head as she started toward the maintenance room, expecting Okita to follow her. He didn't disappoint, his footsteps echoing loudly in the empty halls as he treaded behind her at a much more leisurely pace. Once they reached the door they were headed for, Kagura pulled out her trusty lock pick kit, which she'd used to get into the school in the first place, and started at unlocking the door. All the while she was working, she felt Okita's eyes burning a hole through the back of her head.

She didn't get what was so interesting about what she was doing. She knew for a fact that he's done the same thing she was doing now, so it couldn't have been that. She was interrupted from further pondering by the click of the door unlocking. She pushed it open and stepped inside, Okita following close behind. Once she found what she was looking for, she went to grab it. After struggling with trying to grab the ladder for a few minutes, Okita finally stepped in to lend a hand when she almost fell over and nearly got crushed by it.

She let out a grateful sigh, which he looked at her weirdly for, then headed in the direction of their first target. She ignored the awkward atmosphere between them, and started pulling out the equipment from her backpack.

Once everything was laid out, she turned to Okita. "So, what should we do first? I think the desks would be the best idea, since it'll clear a lot more room for us to do the rest of the classroom next." She waited for his response with bored curiosity.

"Fine by me," he said, his tone clearly indicating he didn't really care either way. She briefly wondered why he even bothered to show up, since he obviously didn't really care about what was going on. Though she still had a sneaking suspicion he was getting some sort of twisted pleasure out of this.

Senior PrankWhere stories live. Discover now