Daddy and his baby

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Luhan was released from the hospital after one month and Sehun is taking him home with him. Luhan is sitting safely wrapped in a thick blanket, dressed in warm clothes and a diaper. He is watching his handsome daddy who is driving and then decided to take a nap. He is still very weak so his eyes closed soon and Luhan started to snore softly. Sehun arrived to his house and parked the black SUV. He slowly lifted Luhan and covered his head and face with the blanket. He carried Luhan inside and his men are staring on their boss who is carrying someone. They heard that Xiumin shot some boy and that the boy is going to live with them but that's all what they know and they aren't going to ask him.

Sehun disappeared in his bedroom where is everything prepared for Luhan. There is a crib, new clothes, toys and other supplies because Sehun is ready to take the best possible care about Luhan. Sehun carefully set him down on bed and unwrapped the blanket. He checked Luhan's diaper and sees that he is wet. Sehun takes few steps and grabs box of diapers. He started to change the boy and smiled when he remembers how many diapers he ruined when he was practicing how to put on a diaper. Luhan doesn't wake up and Sehun laid him down in the crib.

Sehun tucked him under blanket and handed him plushie Bambi. Now he can pay attention to his work but he put a baby monitor on his desk so he will hear when Luhan wakes up. Sehun called Kyungsoo who keeps his house in perfect shape. He is cooking, he is making sure that the house is clean and that they have everything.

"Kyungsoo, can you cook some food some small kids and babies?"

Kyungsoo shrugged because he has never tried it. However what kind of wish is this?

"I can learn, boss."

Sehun nodded and sent him away. Kyungsoo knows that he can't question what his boss wants so he immediately went in kitchen and starts to study recipes which are on the Internet.

Sehun reads few messages from his people about how is trade with drugs and guns doing, how much money are his casinos making. He is satisfied and turned on his computer and then goes in his bedroom. Luhan is still sleeping so Sehun decided to work out.

Tao is best in martial arts in his whole organization so Sehun is using this opportunity to get better. Sehun changed into black training tights and white short sleeve shirt and then walked in the gym. Tao is already waiting there and they start to fight. Sehun knows that he can't punch Tao in face or Kris would get mad. After few hours they stopped and Sehun is covered with sweat. He goes to take a shower and then walked next to the crib. He frowns because Luhan can't sleep so much during day, what is he going to do during night time?

"Baby, time to wake up."

Sehun carefully shakes his small shoulder and kissed his forehead. Luhan squirms a bit and opened his eyes. He smiled at his daddy and makes grabby hands toward him. Sehun picked him up and put Luhan's thin arms around his neck. He called Kyungsoo to bring some baby food upstairs. Kyungsoo hurries and put bowl with broccoli and cheese soup and fried rice with eggs and veggies. Then he takes the tray and carried it upstairs where is already waiting Sehun who takes it from him and locked the door leading in his part of the house again. Sehun goes in dining room where is Luhan sitting in his highchair. He clapped his hands happily after seeing the food and obediently let his daddy feed him. Sehun has to admit that Kyungsoo is really great cook and Luhan eats it all. Sehun wiped his mouth and chin and then picked him up again. He carried him in room which is full of toys. There are many plushies, books and DVD on shelfs next to big TV, then there is also doll house and few dolls and a pink tent with chain of lights and many fluffy pillows are inside.

"This all is only for you."

Luhan looked around and Sehun set him down on his feet. Luhan almost lost his balance because he isn't in the best shape but there is Sehun who quickly grabs him before he can get hurt. Sehun sat him down on the fluffy carpet and checks the wound on his head if it isn't bleeding. Luckily it isn't so they can play. Luhan grabs a crayon and starts to scribble something. Sehun is drawing too and from time to time look on Luhan. He knows that the boy is completely depending on him. Luhan can't take care of himself, he can't use the toilet, he can't get food or drink on his own, Luhan is really like a little baby. Sehun is watching Luhan and sees that he is getting tired so he picked him up and changed his diaper. Sehun is also hungry but first he needs to put the baby in his crib. Sehun is watching Luhan who is slowly falling asleep and after he can hear soft snores coming from him, he knows that he can leave.

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