Chapter 7

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Every year hockey scouts, analysts and fans make their own personal draft rankings for the upcoming NHL draft in June. There are way too many to keep track of or even care about, but the TSN draft rankings are a well trusted source for these rankings. At the beginning of the year, Ryan was ranked seventeenth in the world for his age. But in the October rankings he had dropped to thirty sixth, moving him out of the first round of prospects. It was a personal goal of Ryan to be drafted in the first round of the NHL.

After Ryan's first few games back from injury, he wasn't playing like himself. He was playing a timid game because he had that thought in the back of his head. The thought of being hit and injured again. Another serious injury could ruin his whole draft year and possibly put his hockey career in jeopardy if serious enough. These thoughts and worries had turned a once speedy, aggressive player into a scared and hesitant player lacking confidence.

"Ryan, come see me in my office" The coach had asked Ryan from across the room.

"Listen bud, I know and you know this isn't you. You look completely scared out there and it's hard to watch. You're just not yourself since the hit."

"I know I feel like a different person on the ice," Ryan agreed.

"I'm going to set you up with a sports psychologist. I know you wont want to go but he's great at what he does, highly recommended."

"I want to go. I need someone to put me back on track, this is embarrassing and frustrating for me and it needs to stop now." Ryan said as he stared at the ground embarrassed.

"Very mature of you Ryan. I know this slump won't last you'll be back to your usual self in no time."

"Hopefully. Thanks coach," Ryan left the room feeling a little better knowing he was getting some help. The next morning he drove to the psychologist with high hopes of changing his life around.

The sports psychologist was great and helped get Ryan's mind back in check. The biggest thing missing from Ryan's game was his confidence. The psychologist knew this would happen sometimes after injuries and had a perfect solution.

Dealing with that hockey situation was tough on Ryan but Alyssa was extremely comforting and supportive. She had helped him get caught up in school so he wouldn't have to deal with that stress and he could just focus on hockey. Ryan knew he wanted to make it official and call her his girlfriend.

The next weekend on a Saturday night with no hockey, Ryan and Alyssa had gone out to eat at an expensive restaurant. After dinner he drove her home like usual but finally asked her to be his girlfriend. Alyssa was ecstatic and give him a big hug and kiss. Ryan felt great and this only added to his new found confidence. He now had a beautiful girlfriend and was back to dominating at hockey.

There was only one team worse than Brampton in the standings and that was Windsor, a city that was a three hour drive southwest. This was an important game for Ryan and the rest of the team. The loser of this game would be in the last place position and no one wanted that embarrassment. Everyone around the league knew Brampton was only in last place because they didn't have their star player, but it was still a big game for both sides.

The bus ride there was all serious with not much talking, except for the first ten minutes. Ryan had told the rest of the team he had finally asked out Alyssa, and it was a mixed reaction from the rest of the guys. Some gave him a hard time and gave him little chirps while some gave him props for locking up the 'hottest girl at school' either way it was a respected move by everyone and Ryan knew it.

"She settled for you? You don't even know your times tables!" One kid jokingly yelled and everyone laughed until the coach got mad.

It didn't bother Ryan though, he felt on top of the world right now, as if nothing could ruin his mindset.

Ryan had played five games since his injury and only had two assists during that time with zero goals. He had never gone five games without a goal in his whole career, but that was not on his mind. He had his mind set on getting at least three goals this game, and no one could stop him. Once he laced up his skates and stepped on the ice, he would be in complete control for the next two hours.

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