Part 9

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**Michelle pov**

After the second movie I got really hot so I took my shirt off, I didn't think it would matter since I had on a sports bra but apparently it did.
When Peter noticed me taking of my shirt he couldn't look away. " Dude have you never seen a girl in a swimsuit? Cause this is the same thing"
" No I have but.."
" But what loser, is it different since I'm yours?" I said.
" What! Wait.. so I'm your boyfriend?" He said excitedly
"Yea, i mean if you want to be?" I said.
" What?! Of course"
I wrapped my arms around his neck and locked lips with him. I could feel his hands sliding down my back he pulled away gasping for air. "Your skin is super soft" he said.
I laughed and continued to kiss him, I pulled away so I could sit on his lap and then began to kiss him again his hands sliding lower and lower down my back until I feel them on my bum. I began to give him kisses on his neck as he let out a groan. I gave him one last peck on the lips and laid down next to him I heard him gasping for air " Was that you're first kiss?" I asked
"Yeah" he replied
"Mine too I thought it was good though"
"Me too" he said
"We should get back to the movie" I say
I watched him take his shirt off like a creep, he was probably getting hot too.
I couldn't keep my eyes off his body. He was so attractive.
I caught him staring at me a lot. "Why are you staring at me the whole time?" I ask
"Am I too sexy for you to handle" I say sarcastically. "I was kinda wondering the same?" He said. " Because you're hot" I said. " Well then can I say you're sexy? Cause you are and that's why I'm staring at you" I laugh "Your joking right?"
"No I'm not, I love your slim figure and your beautiful Carmel skin, your beautiful hazel eyes, your soft loose curly hair. I wish I could give you kisses everywhere, Your beautiful."
I blush not sure what to say, I just lay next to him and fall asleep in his arms.
I love him.

Hey y'all I'm back

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