To Dance Again With You

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It had been a few months since the events at Hogwarts. Quirrell and Voldemort had adjusted okay. Quirrell had found a part-time job in a flower shop a few blocks away from their apartment and Voldemort had found one at a grocery store. The jobs weren't great, but hey, whatever keeps them from getting evicted out of their shabby apartment.

They had just moved into the muggle flat a few weeks ago. It wasn't the best apartment, but it was okay. No it wasn't. It was shitty. The wallpaper was ugly and peeling, the lightbulbs were busted, and the bathroom smelled vaguely of mold. It fucking sucked. Despite that, being in each other's company made up for their shitty living situation.

Voldemort was in the living room, fiddling with a cheap radio they bought to listen to the news. "Damn muggle equipment. How the fuck does this work?" He said shaking it and repeatedly pressing the "on" button. Nothing.

"Fucking piece of SHIT!" he yelled and threw it at the wall.

At the moment Quirrell poked his head in from the messy kitchen " H-hey man, I'm making tea y- FUCK!" he yelled as a radio narrowly missed his head and slammed against the wall. "Voldemort! What was that for??" Quirrell glared.

"Sorry." Voldemort said. "It wasn't working." He said, pouting.

Quirrell crouched down and magically fixed the machine. "Did you put batteries in it?" "Put what in it?" "You know, batteries? The things that power electronics?" Quirrell said looking at Voldemort. "Nooo?" Voldemort said slowly. "Oh my wizard god." Quirrell said as he accioed the batteries.

"What?" "You don't know what batteries are!" Quirrell said, giggling. Damn, Quirrell has such a beautiful laugh. Voldemort thought. Voldemort began giggling with him, their voices raising in a chorus of laughter.

Once they had finished laughing, they collapsed on the couch. Quirrell pressed the on button and this time it turned on. "See? Perfect." "How did you even know that?" "My dad's a muggle, remember?" "Oh yeah..."

Quirrell flicked through the channels until Voldemort heard a familiar tune."Quirrell wait, go back." "What?" Quirrell asked. "Go back to the other song."

"Quirrell pressed a button on the radio and they heard a tune coming out of the muggle device

"Together, together, together everyone! Together, together, c'mon let's have some fun!"

Through the radio the two heard the voice of the one and only Zac Efron. Quirrell looked at Voldemort with a knowing spark in his big, brown eyes.

Voldemort excitedly began tapping his feet on the floor. "You know, I taught myself the choreography to this song." "Well, why don't you show me?" Quirrell said as he turned up the volume. Voldemort grinned and jumped up. He began to do the choreography without missing a single beat.

"Wanna join?" Voldemort asked. "W-what?? But I can't da-AUGH!" But before the other man could finish his sentence, Voldemort grabbed his hand and twirled him off the couch so they were standing face to face.

"Then I can teach you." Voldemort said, pulling Quirrell towards him, placing his hand on Quirrell's waist and holding his hand in his. Voldemort could feel his face heat up. Quirrell grinned nervously as they swayed and twirled. Quirrell stumbled a little bit and stepped on Voldemort's feet as they were dancing in their shitty, messy apartment.

Voldemort's heart was soaring. He never felt this much joy, to hold Quirrell in his arms swaying along to the music. He wasn't even doing the proper choreography, but he didn't care as long as he was with his Quirrel. A laugh bubbled up from his throat.

At that moment, he knew he wanted to do this forever, to be with Quirrell, gazing into his chocolate eyes and dancing for eternity. He wanted to hold him, to comfort him, to just be with him.

Being with Quirrell brought Voldemort a feeling he had never felt before. What is this feeling? He thought. My pulse is rushing, my head is reeling? I'm blushing?? What is this??? And then the realization dawned on him.

I think I'm in love with Quirrell.

No, he couldn't be in love, there's no way. He was the Dark Lord, not a lovesick schoolboy. Besides what would Quirrell think? He'd probably laugh or or worse, leave him. And Voldemort definitely couldn't live with that.

The music faded out and Voldemort spun Quirrell so he landed on the couch. Quirrell was grinning, with his perfect smile and his perfect laugh, and his perfect eyes..Voldemort was definitely, absolutely, head of heels in love with Quirinus Quirrell.



Heeyyyyy fellas so I'm making up for the sad fic I just wrote and publishing something I wrote like two weeks ago jklfdjlj

Might be a series but probably not since I can't commit to that.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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