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A frigid breeze nipped at Scinthia's nose as the morning sun began to crest the edge of the horizon. She awoke to the sun shining its light through the trees and onto her face. She took a deep breath as she sat up in her bedroll and looked around the camp expecting to see Tori, but to her surprise, he was nowhere to be seen.

She wondered where he could be and thought back on past mornings. Realizing he had always woken her up while packing something each morning, she wondered why today was different. She became slightly concerned as she scanned back and forth across the camp for any signs of where Tori could be. A moment passed before she heard a familiar voice speak from above her.

"Oh hey, you're already awake."

Scinthia looked up to see Tori crouching on a tree branch, looking down at her.

"What were you looking for just now?" He asked, giving her a curious look.

She returned his curious look, trying to figure out why he was in a tree.

"Um, nothing." She responded. "Do you always keep watch from up in a tree?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. It helps me keep an eye on everything without really giving myself away." He paused. "That and it's just more comfortable sometimes."

Something about how he said that interested her and raised her curiosity. Before she could utter a question however, Tori jumped down from the branch and spoke again.

"Anyway, now that you're awake we can get started and get back on the road." He said.

She agreed and decided that she'd bring her question up later. They quickly packed up their camp, made their way back to the road, and began riding. They quietly rode for a short while before Scinthia figured that this was as good a time as any to ask her question.

"Hey Tori." She began.

He tilted his head toward her, indicating that he was listening.

"How could sitting in a tree be more comfortable?" She asked.

"Hm?" He turned to her with a confused expression.

"Earlier, you said that it's more comfortable up in a tree sometimes. How could that be more comfortable?" She asked.

His expression changed as he understood her question. He stayed silent for a few seconds, thinking of an answer. A moment later, he answered.

"Well, it's a bit hard to explain." He began.

She gave him a look of dissatisfaction, waiting for him to elaborate. He thought again for a moment and then spoke.

"Well for me, it sort of helps give me a new perspective." He explained.

"You mean for killing?" She said in a mocking tone.

"Well yeah, that's true enough, but not just for killing."

Scinthia's sarcastic expression changed to one of intrigue. She didn't entirely expect him to have another answer.

"It helps me get an idea of all my options." He added, looking over at her. "Whether it be on a battlefield or not." He paused, turning his attention back to the road ahead of them. "My point is that if always trying to get a new vantage point has taught me anything, it's that there is always another way. It's just a matter of changing your view to find it."

"Hm, I see." She said, satisfied with his answer. "I can't say I agree or disagree, but it seems like you're speaking from your heart for once."

A gentle breeze came through and blew against the back of her hood.

Bound To; The Wish of the WitchWhere stories live. Discover now