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"uh, hi?"

"I've been bothering you, haven't i?"

his smile faded as he looked down. that's when my heart broke. I was worried that the pain in his eyes would amplify after he sees the girl, who I assumed to be his ex, with another man.

"don't worry about it," i said, managing to offer a small smile. "I think I would have done the same if I were you."

"well, I hope that you never get the chance to do something like this," he laughed.

how did he even manage to put a smile on his face?

"uh, she's in one of the rooms with someone else."

he looked up to meet my eyes and I could see the heart shapes in his eyes shattering to pieces.

"oh yeah? uh what's the room number?"

just as I was about to give it to him, a voice in my head screamed, warning me not to. I thought about it and decided to listen to that voice. for once, I didn't have a hard time making a decision. I knew that sending him there will only cause him more pain. maybe I should have let him see for himself and move on, but pain on top of open wounds would only leave a bigger scar. it's better to have a wound reopened than have it expand.

"uh, I said she was in one of the rooms."

"what?" his eyes snapped at me and I could see the irritation boiling up inside.

"she was here," I repeated. "she left a couple of minutes ago."



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