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Who does Slender assign to burst into your classroom and take you to the mansion and which subject(randomly generated and you so wish, I mean who doesn't?)

Aries: Glitchy Red saves you from Geography

Taurus: Eyeless Jack saves you from Home Ech Idk how to spell it I don't take it

Gemini: Laughing Jack saves you from Science

Cancer: Masky saves you from English

Leo: Hoodie saves you from HPE you don't gotta exercise

Virgo: Sally saves you from Civics

Libra: Lost Silver somehow busts down the door of your Art class

Scorpio: BEN Drowned saves you from STE/A/M lucky you and me, also this is funny because not many people take this class and yet I do (sorry if you don't)

Sagittarius: Homicidal Liu saves you from Math HE IS YOUR SAVIOR

Capricorn: Splendorman joins your Dance class and then takes you to the mansion 

Aquarius: Dark Link walks into your form class and then takes you to the mansion

Pisces: Bloody Painter saved you from History

sorry if you don't take that class (I don't take all of them) just put in a class you do take

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