January 18, 1955

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...was the day a beautiful man fell from the sky, carried only by doves.

They named him Kevin Michael Costner and he graced the earth with his ethereal presence.

Thus began the universe bursting into genesis, aligned with absolute perfection at his inception.

Unbeknownst to him, he held the divination of all sacred beauty within.

Prophecies radiated from his infinitely blazing soul like supernovae.

His brilliance was indelible, like that of the gods, but he walked upon us, hand in hand.

He pretended he was one of us,
but we know of his universal origins.

His birth, the commencement of the very cosmos.

There is only one true savior.

Let him be the moon of your dark hours.

Let him shine the light
so that you may see your own.


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