Bonus: Bloopers (Volume 1) (1 Year Anniversary Special)

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Happy 1st anniversary to me! I decided to make bloopers of my first stories. I hope all of you like it. Thank you for getting me this far, everyone. Let's begin.

(Nightmares of Love)


Bowser: *grabs a gun and points it at Mario*

Meggy: Don't do it! Don't do it!

Bowser: *pulls the trigger, as a flag with the word "Bang!" on it came out*

Mario and Meggy: *laugh*

Bowser: Oh ha ha, very funny.


Mario: *gets a phone call and answers it* Hello?

(Wario was on the other line.)

Wario: Wrong number, sorry. *hangs up*

Mario: *laughs*


Mario and Meggy: *faces turn red, as they went in close for a kiss a little too fast, as they accidentally bashed their heads together*

Meggy: Ow... *laughs*

Mario: That hurt. *laughs*


(Spooks, Scares, and Sentiment)


Luigi: Uh... look at that! It's the Trash Signal! Trash Bag away! *starts to run away but trips over*

(Everyone laughed, including Luigi.)


Mario: Well, I'm gonna add that to the list of things Meggy started to know nothing about. *searches his pocket for the list, but it's empty* Which I forgot to put in my pocket. *laughs along with everyone else*


(The Secret Couple)


Peach and Toadsworth: *walks inside the castle*

Toadsworth (whispers): Don't worry, Princess. I got this. *pulls out a machine gun but realized there was no ammo, as he got rammed by the Chain Chomp*


Mario: Meggy! I think I have an idea here. You remember you have those Ink Bombs? Throw one of them into the Chomp's mouth!

Meggy: *throws an Ink Bomb at the Chain Chomp*

Chain Chomp: *moves out of the way*

Mario: Hmm? *gets hit by the Ink Bomb*

Chain Chomp: *laughs*

Meggy: *looks at Chain Chomp in anger*

Chain Chomp: What?


Mario and Meggy: *walks around Inkopolis while holding hands and sees a purple splat in front of them*

Desti: Dang it, I missed!

Mario and Meggy: *laugh*


Mario: *finds an ice cream truck* ICE CREEEEE-*coughs*

Meggy: *laughs*


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