Dear Heart, I'm Sorry.

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As Dave were behind me, one of my classmate Liam were outside to talk to me. He was the son of a politician, so it's so easy to figure it of how things would start trembling, when Dave and his friends beat him up. I couldn't believe how much trouble he'd have to go through. I didn't want him to be in such trouble. 

He was given detention, for 2 weeks. That means, I'll not see him for the next 2 weeks. I felt like dying inside out. I couldn't imagine the thought of not seeing him. Liam's mother was strong in her decision of wanting Dave and his friends to be expelled from school. Thank God, as they were seniors, they had to be in school in order to write their main exam. 

I was crying my heart out, when Dave approached me to inform that he'll not be around for a couple of weeks and wanted me to answer his previous question. I wanted to scream YES. I nodded my head and replied, "Bye Dave, Be safe and yes, I Friggin' Love you, my universe." He smiled and left with his sister. 

The very next day was extremely hard for me, My first day being in a real relationship and my boyfriend is not to be seen anywhere. I could not hold my tears back. I cried during all my classes. Even the teachers had to send me to nurse to lie down and relax. I just could not accept the fact that I'll not see him for 14 days. I was counting days to see him back. 

Nights were the worst. I couldn't sleep knowing that the next day, I'll not see him during recess or lunch. He is really a big part of me. I really didn't realise it till now. How can such an amazing person can be soft and stern at the same time. I knew Dave had the worst temper, but didn't know of how much it can bubble up. 

I started writing my feelings in a journal, so that my parents wouldn't worry seeing their daughter cry everyday. Every single things, made me miss his smell, touch and presence. For instance, His usual spot of standing during breaks or his lunch table, his class during computer science. Everything reminded him of more. 

I did love this guy so much, that a single absence of him is concerning to me. I had gone a whole day of not eating, not wanting to talk to my best friends, and moreover was not interested to play with my puppy itself. Life really does revolve around this guy. Oh god, my life is revolving around him!

The next day was gruesome as well. I dreaded all this days. My teachers started noticing the change in my grades. They started calling my parents for all the lovesick I was going through. I couldn't justify of him not being present near me. I LOVE THIS GUY. The next couple weeks were deadly. 

I was nearly waiting for the day, to my surprise, my baby daddy came for me and gave the bad news to me...

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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