! f o r m !

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❝ quote ❞

! b a s i c s !

full name ;
nicknames ;
age ;
birthday ;
zodiac sign ;
gender ;
sexuality ;
religion ;
species ;

! a p p e a r a n c e !

faceclaim ;
race / ethnicity ;
height ;
nails ;
piercings ;
tattoos ;
scars ;

! p e r s o n a l i t y !
personality ;
general mood ;
temperament ;
discipline ;
strengths ;
weaknesses ;
dreams / desires ;
inspiration / role model(s) ;
soft spot ;
habits ;
talents ;
hobbies ;

! h e a l t h !

general health ;
psychical illness ;
mental illness ;
allergies ;
medications ;
drug use / smoking / alcohol use ;
posture ;

! v o c a l s !

voice ;
language(s) spoken ;
accent ;
swear usage ;

! r e l a t i o n s h i p s !

general ;
father ;
mother ;
brother(s) ;
other relatives ;
children ;
relationship status ;
other important relationships (friends, best friend, crush, enemies, etc.) ;
love interest ;

! o c c u p a t i o n / s c h o o l i n g !

occupation ;
salary ;
ambitions ;
past jobs ;
school behavior ;
school stereotype ;
school strengths ;
school weaknesses ;
typical grades ;
extracurriculars ;
sports ;
grade / education level ;

! r e a c t i o n s !

crisis ;
problems ;
change ;
love ;
death ;
hate ;

! b a c k g r o u n d !

birthplace ;
social status ;
biography ;

! f u n f a c t s !

! c r e d i t !

form created by itsalwcyssunny
heavily based off of e-motional's

[ notes ; not apart of the form : i know it's long but it helps me with muse to develop my characters so much! it is my form so if you want to use it you must ask first and you must have the credit part at the end crediting BOTH of us. e-motional, i saw yours and adored it so i based mine off of it. i did credit you and changed it quite a bit. however, if it's an issue, please tell me and i will change it even more! ]

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