The lesson

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Makoto sat down at his desk, taking off his backpack and removing his journal. He proceeds to place the brown book on his desk, flipping it open and searching for a spare page. He heard footsteps walk past him, behind him and infront of him. The whole hassle of the first class is what makoto enjoys best, it's nice to see people organise themselves during the morning. "Ah goodmorning naegi-kun!~" a soft voice called out infront of makoto as he raised his head to notice a familiar faced, blue haired girl "Ah, goodmorning maizano" makoto would reply in a happy tone "how was y-your practice?" He unknowingly stuttered being caught off guard by his face burning up at the sight of a girl talking to him. "It went really well, I wish you could've come!" Maizano would giggle as she waves goodbye to him softly "see you after class!" Maizano proceeded to walk away as makotos blush would go down into a light pink as he sighed of relief. A few minutes pass and there's a sudden tap on makotos shoulder, he hesitantly turns around and immediately feels his face burning up- it was Leon! makoto couldn't help but stare directly into his icy blue eyes and space out

"Uhh, naegi?" The orange haired boy would chuckles "are you okay?" He'd continue. Makoto snapped out of his dreamy state "Ah, uhm! Oh..h-hey!" Makoto would reply, immediately awkwardly shaking his head at himself. "you seem pretty smart so I was wondering if you would tutor me after class" the boy would smile and dart his direction over to ishimaru "he's forcing me to get somebody to make me pay attention in class, I didn't want him to do it so I asked you instead" he'd look back at naegi with a grin "so what do ya say?" Makoto trembled in his seat "o-of course I-"
"Great then it's settled!" The orange haired male pulled up a thumbs up with a smug smile "I'm Leon Kuwata by the way!~"
makoto gulped;
"N-Nice to meet you, l-leon.."
Leon smiled "are you feeling okay, your face is a bit red,," Makoto was blushing so much it was noticeable from a mile away "uh..haha, I'm fine.." he gave an awkward smile
"I'll see you after school then!"
Leon smiles again and turned back to his book

his icy blue eyes ♡ makoto x Leon Where stories live. Discover now