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Lee Y/n

You arrive at your first class, history. The teacher introduces you,

"Good Morning class, today we have a new student. Come and introduce your self"

"Morning my name is Y/n"

"And Where are you coming from?" The teacher ask


"Hm just like Mark and Wendy" "any who glad you can join us why don't you sit next to... ah Na Jaemin" "Jaemin raise your hand" you turn and look at the direction where he is. Of course all the way in the back. You head towards your seat

'well I guess I can get started with my game now'
"Hello I'm Y/n" I smile while staring at him, trying to be as sexy as can be "you must be Jaemin"

"Indeed I am" (who even says thT) I sit down and the teacher gets the lesson started. I can fell some one staring at me, I look to my right and see Jaemin eyeing me hungrily. 'Damn he is really hot.' I don't say or do anything I just look at him then put my focus on the teacher.

"Okay class today I am going to be paring you guys for this project you have. Take one aspect of World War I and make a PowerPoint museum on it. Here is the rubric."

Na Jaemin

The teacher is talking about something. I am not even paying attention to her. All of a sudden I start staring at Y/n. She really is pretty. She is going to be a fun toy. I am so deep in my thoughts I don't even notice that she is staring at me back. We look into each other's eyes which feel like for ever. I winked at her and She just looks back at the teacher. It's like I didn't even effect her. 'She is going to be a tough one' I start to pay attention to the teacher and hear her talk about a project that we have to do about World War I. She is handing out the rubric and I see someone handing Y/n hers and she accidentally drops it. She smoothly gets off her chair and bends down to get it. 'Damn what an ass' she looks up at me catching me stair at her. I see her roll her eyes

"Perve" she whispers loud enough for me to hear

Lee Y/n

I "accidentally" dropped my paper trying to get Jaemins attention. I get up off my chair trying to grab the paper and sexily (I don't think that is even a word) and grab it. Immediately looking up I see Jaemin practically drooling over me. I whisper "perve" to him and he just smirks like the playboy he is. He really is cute.

-Skip to lunch-
I was walking to lunch with Wendy and her friends.

"Hey guys" Wendy exclaims while talking a seat

"Hey, who is this" a boy with freckles says with his deep voice

"Oh right, this is Y/n. She just moved here from Canada. We were old friends from when I moved here. Y/n, this is Felix (stray kids), Chaeyoung (twice), Jungwoo (Nct), and our baby huening kai (TXT).

"Hello, nice to meet you all" you
smile and sit in between Wendy and Jungwoo. You all make good small talk. Wendy's friends are very nice. You get up from your chair to go to the restroom real quick. As you get up you feel a cold liquid flow down the entire back of your body. You turn and see a girl with a cup in her hand.

"What the hell!?" You yell at her causing a scene in the cafeteria

"Oops, guess it slipped" you got so mad at this point. You turned around and grabbed a cup of your own. You threw it in her face causing all of her cakey makeup to drip.

"Oops must have slipped on your ugly face" you smirk and just leave her standing there

Na Jaemin

I was at my lunch table with all of the guys and our girls. We really switch our toys every week or so. Whenever we get bored. I see that Y/n girl sit down next to Jungwoo and Wendy. I kept on staring at them and this girl named Nayeon who is like annoyingly in love with me just storms off out of no where

"Woah what's her deal?" Marks says

"Not sure" I reply while looking back at my food

All of a sudden we hear arguing and cheering. We all turn our heads to see that Naeyeon just poured some sort of beverage on Y/n then Y/n splashes her in the face with some. 'Damn that was hot' I see Y/n rushing towards the bathrooms and I just follow her there

Lee Y/n

After I left that girl standing there in the middle of the cafeteria I went straight to the bathroom to clean up. As I was about to walk in someone stopped me

"And what do you want" I say annoyed

"Nothing, just came to see if you were okay"

"I would be better if you were to move out of my way" I say trying to push his arm out of the way

"Let me help"

"And why would you want to do that, Jaemin" I ask

"Because, I can. Here" he gave me his sweater "take this"

"I can't" I say as I feel my cheeks getting warm

"Just take it, it's fine" he says with a wide smile

"But it's going to smell like what ever the hell that girl just dumped on me" I told my eyes

"So, if it makes you feel better. Just take it"

"Thanks" I grab it and head to the bathroom.

-back at the cafeteria-
I walk back in the cafeteria with everyone looking at me.
I hurried and rushed to my seat. On my way there I spot Jaemin there with his douche bag friends. He winks at me, I remember I'm trying to make him like me so I wink back at him.

"Hey you okey girl" Chaeyoung says

"Yeah I'm fine, just needed to clean up a bit"

"Wait, isn't that Na Jaemins sweater?" Felix asks me

"Why do you have it" Jungwoo asks

"He gave it to me when we ran into each other in the hall way. Nothing serious"

"What do you mean nothing serious, that dude is a hoe" Chaeyoung replies

"Don't you think I know that" you explain your plan with Wendy nodding the whole time

"Well good luck, you are going to need it. That guys hasn't been in love with a girl since literally FOR EVER. He literally just sleeps around with girls and breaks their hearts" Jungwoo says

"Don't worry" you look at him "I think I'm good"

Na Jaemin FF- Mr. PlayBoyWhere stories live. Discover now