Chapter 13

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Rachel's pov *2 years later*

"Marrisa come down here now, your father will be here in 20 to take you to school" I yelled to my 5 year old whilst making her breakfast and lunch, I heard little feet run downstairs signaling me that she is coming

"Okay mommy I'm ready" she said, I turned around to see her in a black short sleeve shirt with blue jeans and tennis shoes "You look cute, it's gonna be cold today so can you get your jacket before daddy gets here" I told her she nodded and went to the counter when I sat our breakfast then the doorbell rang, "great timing finn" I mumbled to myself, I walked to the door and opened it to reveal finn wearing a fashionable suit "someone is looking dapper" I smiled to him, he gave out a laugh then kissed me.. you can see me and Finn have been together for some months but he hasn't moved in yet another explanation for another time.. he walked into the house "going into the hospital today?" He asked me

"I'm on call but I haven't been paged yet so I'm gonna go in after you guys leave" I told him as we walked towards the dining room table

"DADDY" Marrisa yelled, finn smiled at her as she ran to him "there's my girl" he said kissing her cheek

I suddenly heard a beeping "I gotta go, love you" I said as I kissed my daughters head and Finns lips then ran out the door.

Finns pov

After Rach left it was time to take marrisa to school "okay go get your coat" I told her, she ran off to grab it. I've been thinking about moving in recently but I want them to move in with me, I love where they are living but I want more kids with Rachel I know we've been only been dating for 4 months but we've known about eachother for years now and I want to be closer to marrisa and Rachel anyways marrisa comes back with her jacket and lunch "you know I could've gotten that for you" I said mentioning her lunch

"I know daddy but I want to go to school" she begs to me "huh that's new, I'm dragging you out by now with you screaming no daddy take me to work with you" I mocked her with a smile while putting her lunch in backpack

"daddy I just want to go to school, please" she begged again, I nod to her and gave her, her backpack then we walked out the door

After dropping her off at school which was about 3 hours ago I'm currently at work finishing some paper work when I get a call "Hudson" I said into the phone

"hi baby" I heard my beautiful girlfriends voice say through the phone

"Hey rachie, what is the pleasure my girl" I said, I heard her beautiful laugh

"Well it's a slow day in the pit so I decided to call you, I'm with quinn and kaity they say hi anyways can we have dinner and sleep at your place tonight I don't wanna go home after work" she told me

"Hi girls and sure we can which means I can ask you a question I've been wanting to ask" I told her, I heard a beeping

"Well I got to go, love you I'll see you later bye love" she said then hung up, oh how I love that girl

Rachel's pov

Running to the pit slow day my ass, I get the yellow cover on and run outside to see an ambulance driving in when I ask "what happened?" "School fire gone rapidly" dr. Robbins said then an ambulance pulled up "Nicole what do we got" dr. Bailey said

"5 year old girl 3rd degree burns all over her body" she said

"Berry, fabray get her to trauma room 1 and Robbins Sloan go with them" dr. Bailey said to us, I look down at the girl she looks familiar anyways we roll her into the room

"Do we have a name yet or is she a Jane doe" Arizona said checking her chart

"Marrisa hudson, huh that name soun-" she said then looked at me, I was stunned shocked my emotions just stop I didn't know what to feel my daughter is in the hospital, I just bolt out the door tears streaming from my face I run straight to the resident room to grab my phone and call finn he answers on the first ring

"Finn" I sobbed through the phone

"Rach what happened" he asked worried through the phone

"She's in the hospital" I blubbered out

"Who? Who is in the hospital" he asked

"Marrisa she's here please come I need you" I cried

"I'm coming I'll be there in 20 I love you" He said then hung up

I turned my phone off and just sat on the bench and just cried my eyes out then I heard the door open to quinn running to my side "I called Santana she's on her way and I told them to call your parents and brother I assumed you called finn" she said hugging me

I hug her "thank you quinn" I said to her "I need to see her can I see her" I asked her

"I'm sorry Rach but you can't, you have to be like everyone else and wait I'm sorry" she told me

"I need to see her" I said getting up and walking fast out the door trying to get to the trauma room when I see them rolling her out

"Where are you taking her" I asked them

"CT I'll update you when it's finished, you can't come with us" one of them said "I need to go with her please she's my only daughter I need to be with her" I begged them

"Rachel sweetie let's wait for finn come on" quinn said

"No please quinn" I cried to her as she held me

I then felt muscular arms around me signaled finn is here "I'm here babygirl come on" he whispered in my ear.

Please let my baby girl be okay

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