Chapter 1

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For Kazemaru, he has always been below Endou. No matter what, he would always be, not enough

Endou is always so bright. His smile, his presence every thing about him. He'll always make everyone in the room smile. There has not been a moment where he's sad or cried (Kazemaru learned that there was. But how could he have known? He left didn't he?)

Kazemaru may be smarter, but he is not strong. Endou is. Endou has never given up. Endou is always there for everyone one. Endou has never betrayed anyone.

Kazemaru is weak.

And he knows that. Oh he knows. That is why he chose to use the Aliea Meteorite. To get stronger. So that he won't bring anyone down. So that he doesn't make anymore mistakes. (little did he know this counts as one)

And he needs Endou to see that. He needs to hear Endou tell him (-that his choice-) is not a mistake.

He doesn't want to be a mistake!


He glanced down at the form of Endou. (Weak-barely standing) Right. His team (the Dark Emperors) were in a soccer match with Raimon weren't they?

Across the whole field, all of Raimon's players were unable to stand. Bruises and scrapes tattered their bodies. Megane, Rika and the managers all had either a shocked (Aki, Natsumi, Haruna) or a frighten (Megane) or even a possible mixture of both (Rika)

"Please.." Endou pleaded "stop this.."

Kazemaru chuckled "Stop what?"

Kazemaru gripped his shirt, right where his heart is "I was WEAK. But now, I'm strong! We're strong!"

"But..this...isn't the right way"

Kazemaru's chest felt tight. No. No, no, no. Nononononono.


That is not what Endou is suppose to say. This is not a mistake. HE IS NOT A MISTAKE. Endou needs to-needs to-

"And how would you know that?"

All eyes turned to Kemzaki. He was wearing his all well-known smile.

"Maybe we should show him. Show him how it really feels to be a high soldier. What do you think Kazemaru-kun?"

It took a moment before it finally clicked.

Kenzaki was planning on making Endou an enemy. And if he did that,

Raimon would be devastated.

Despite their injuries, Raimon tried their best to stand up. (especially Kidou and Gouenji) They all had to get to Endou. They all have to stop them before they do anything to Endou.

The managers, Rika and Megane were all frozen. Not sure whether they should run over and stand in front of the Dark Emperors from taking Endou or not.

They soon regret for having hesitated in their choices.


Kidou had almost lost Endou. Had almost been the person to take the role of captaim of Raimon. Had almost lead a team that Endou took the time to build. But thanks to Aki hs didn't. He's so glad he didn't.

But now it'll happen again. If he doesn't get up in time to stop Kazemaru from taking Endou. He has to stop them. He can't take the role of captain. He can't.

Endou is the only one fit to be called Captain of Raimon. Not him.

He can't take Endou's place.


Gouenji can't lose the person who gave him hope. The person who chased after him. Even though he pushed everyone away. The person who cheered him on no matter what situation they're in. The person who (despite not knowing his troubles that time) understood and told him they would wait-can wait for him. Until he chooses to come back and become Raimon's Ace stricker again.

He can't lose Endou. Not when Gouenji finally gets to reunite with him.


Anyone who's apart of Raimon would agree. Endou is the one and only pillar they have. He himself carries the team. He lets others have the spot light amd cheers them on.

Not only that, he makes sure no one gets left behind.

So now Raimon is going to make sure he doesn't get left behind.

"Oh, that's a great idea Kenzaki-san"

Kidou and Gouenji flinced. Everyone tensed. Were they too late? Did they hesitate too long. No, no, no. Please no.



With that outburst everyone of Raimon were on their feet. Albeit with stumble here and there, they were still standing. They immediately turned over to where Kazemaru is standing, in front of Raimon's goal.

"Don't you dare-!"

Kazemaru laughed caught then off. He turned around to reveal Endou in his arms. Eyes closed but the slow rise and fall of his chest indicates he's just unconscious.

Endou looks peaceful. It makes you forget for moment what's happening around you.

But then remembering Kazemaru is the one holding him. The Kazemaru that had hurt everyone. You know everything is not okay.

Kazemaru caught Kidou and Gouenji's eyes. A smirked grew on his face as smoke gathered around the Dark Emperors.

"A little to late, don't you think?"

Kidou and Gouenji reacted fast. Running to stop Kazemaru. Or to catch him before he disappears. Or anything.  Anything that they can do to stop them from taking Endou away.

Why was the Goddess of Luck not on their side today?

Both Kidou and Gouenji had tripped mid-way due to their injuries. Luck just had to mess them up, didn't it?

Everyone couldn't move. They're frozen. (-in shock, pain, fear, hesitation. You name it-) All they could do, was hear the last thing Kazemaru said before disappearing, and Kidou's scream that followed after.

"He's ours, now"


-----------------End of Chapter 1--------------

Hi there everyone! Melody here!

Sorry I haven't been updating my others stories. Haven't caught the plot bunnies yet.

So now, I might most some one-shots or stories (like this one) that are easily completed.

(but then again, my plot bunnies always run away after I write down my ideas so..hope it won't happen with this one!)

Till then!

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