Chapter 22

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Steve leaned in and placed feathered kisses to my jawline. I placed my hands at either side of his head before pulling him into a deep kiss. After a few moments, I pulled away and before Steve can respond I flip our positions so I am straddling his hips. I push back into the kiss and feel Steve's hands land at my waist. I shift so that we are flush against each other and start to lightly grind against him. Steve's grip on my hips begins to tighten as I pull off of him. I quickly lift off my shirt and push Steve back so that he was leaned against the wall. I resumed the kiss and felt Steve attempt to undo my bra as I unbutton his shirt. I got to the last button as Steve managed to fully undo the clasp. I slid off my bra and Steve tossed away his shirt. My hands landed on his chest mindlessly tracing the grooves as we pushed into a kiss growing with hunger every second. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and set it on the bedside table before working on unbuckling Steve's belt and pants.

I quickly got off of him removing my pants and underwear and Steve did the same. I climbed back on top of him and began lightly kissing down his jaw and neck. I nipped lightly at the skin all the while still grinding against him. Steve responded with light huffs and intertwining his fingers with my hair. He lifted my head and pulled me into another kiss. I took him in my hand and began to rub him teasingly slow. As I pumped faster I could feel him harden in my hand while we moan and groan into each others' mouths. After a few moments, I positioned myself over his aching member, guiding it into my entrance slowly. I began to move almost immediately. Steve broke away from me again only to place soft kisses and nips on my neck and collarbone. His occasional grunts against my skin made chills run up my spine.

Only moments later Steve flipped us both over and pushed into me harder with each thrust. More breathy moans escaped me causing Steve to smile down at me. It wasn't the usual sweet and endearing smile; it was dark and lustful. You didn't even know he had a side like that. You pulled out of your thoughts when Steve connected his lips to yours. Soon you were close to your breaking point and Steve could feel it. Your core grew warm and began to tighten as your moans became louder, "Steve~" you couldn't even finish your sentence before you came and Steve followed moments later. He pulled out of you and let himself fall next to you. He pulled you close and the two of you calmed your breathing. You quickly glanced at the clock and noticed it was just past noon. You couldn't lay down forever so planted a quick kiss on Steve's lips before getting up and getting my clothes on. I knew I was sweaty and gross so I figured a shower would do me some good. Steve sighed as I left the room. I walked back to my room and asked the disembodied voice where the closest shower was. A door that I assumed was another closet opened to reveal an intensely magnificent bathroom. Admittedly it was rather compact, but it seemed to have literally anything you would need.

I opened the door that I knew to be a closet and looked through the clothes quickly before choosing what to wear. I stepped into the bathroom and set the clothes on the counter before disrobing and stepping into the shower. Afterward, I grabbed one of the towels on the rack near the shower and dried myself off. I saw the full body mirror and examined myself. My hair was longer than would be convenient in many situations however there wasn't really a need to cut it at the time. I slipped on the clothes from the counter. It was a baggy flannel with a semi-fashionable tank top over the top of some ripped black jeans. I shrugged my shoulders and tossed the towel to the basket in the corner before stepping back out of the room and brushing through my hair. I was stopped by the man with dark hair that Tony told me was Loki. He glared and looked me up and down, "what are you really?" I released a seemingly nefarious smile while glaring up at him, "Wouldn't you like to know?" I quickly reverted to my natural expression and walked past him. He seemed stunned again before retreating to his room. I found my way back to the kitchen since it seemed like a good time to grab some food. Bruce was in the kitchen and of all the people in the tower seemed to be the least insane.

"Oh hey, how are you doing?" Bruce asked calmly which was a breath of fresh air in this place. "I'm actually feeling great. I just didn't expect how different things would be," I chuckled trying to not seem awkward but I knew I wasn't doing too good of a job. "Yeah, you never notice how much lings change unless you look at the start and beginning. But I promise you'll get used to it." Bruce seemed so kind and confident you weren't sure you would ever really blend in but his reassurance was nice. "I don't know how but I really hope I can seem normal," I half muttered. "Trust me, if someone with a raging green monster inside of them can fit in then so can you," Bruce patted you on the shoulder before retrieving a cup of coffee and exiting the kitchen. I thought about what he said and suddenly realized that he was right. Out of those of us that had been frozen in time, I had a pretty good chance of fitting in. 

A.N. - I wasn't planning on actually continuing to work with this story since I don't get paid for it anymore and think have to write the smuts is tedious and I wanted to move on to working on my comic. This is what I had left in my story document... Sorry But I don't think I'll actually writing this story to an end. Exams are coming, I'm changing to college next year and I think it's time to finally let go of this. Sorry If you enjoyed reading this story but it's over now. 

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