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seungmin bit his lip

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seungmin bit his lip. he didn't know why, but the little heart hyunjin sent made him feel so warm.

 he didn't know why, but the little heart hyunjin sent made him feel so warm

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seungmin choked. "han jisung" he looked at his best friend, who was in the middle of shoving a spoonful of rice in jeongin's mouth, the younger desperately grabbed onto felix's arm, asking for help. "...what" jisung stared at the milk seungmin was shoving in front of his face. jisung raised a brow "oh that? that's from hyunjin"

"he's really sweet huh" felix teased, nudging seungmin's side

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"he's really sweet huh" felix teased, nudging seungmin's side. "hyung, why don't you give him a chance?" they all turned to look at the younger, who was staring back at them with an intense gaze. "when did he start messaging you?" seungmin blinked. once. twice. "yesterday?" jeongin nodded, turning to look at the other two, who seemed to be far confused with what's happening. "if seungmin hyung and hyunjin hyung gets together within this week, you two owe me food"

within this week | seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now