Chapter One

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Author's Note: All years, unless stated otherwise are in Elvish. 

(I know that Elves live forever, and there is now real convestion for elf to human years, but for this story's propose the ratio will be 1 year=144 years.)

Over the next two millennia, the Crown Princess Sabariel became the perfect elvish princess. She did everything her father the King wanted and she rarely used her magic for anything, but for the court’s entertainment. The Crown PrinceMegildur became one of the kingdom’s best sword fighters and was often away at military training camps with the other soldiers. Unlike his older brother, Prince Dûrion spent most of his time in the woods capturing little animals and bringing them back to the castle to “study”. What he was really doing was performing vivisections on them and tormenting them in other ways.

The Queen tried to tell the King about their younger son’s savage tastes, but the King waved them off was a young child’s curiosity phase. The King didn’t mind when Dûrion started to pick on the servants, but he was afraid of his youngest daughter, Princess Estelwen.

Princess Estelwen was developing her powers at lightning speed. No matter how much the Queen tried to subdue the Princess’s hunger for magic, the young Princess seemed to breathe magic in. As the Princess Estelwen’s Test started to near, she was in danger of passing it with flying colors. The Queen tried everything, magical suppressants, spells, charms, and potions, but no matter what she tried Estelwen seem to get stronger.

To make matters worse the Princess Estelwen was always running after her older brother, Crown Prince Megildur. Estelwen would often skip her sewing classes and other social obligations to go practice sword lay or archery with Megildur. She would also play with the servant’s children, causing her to be very well liked among the common people. 

Estelwen loved to use her magic powers in front of her friends, but when the King was told that her tricks were advancing from simple levitation to causing imamate objects to move and speech, he was angered. He warmed his wife that unless she did something to weaken Estelwen’s power, she would be guaranteed to get high marks on the test.

Nothing could be done though and the week before the annual Test, the Queen knew that it would not be safe for Estelwen in the castle for much longer. She created a plan with the butler to move Estelwen to another place until it was safe for her to return to the palace.

After the Test, the results would not be released until the next day. That small window would be Estelwen’s only chance to escape the wrath of her father. The Queen planned everything out and made sure that her trusted butler would be able to keep Estelwen safe.

On the day of the Test, Estelwen could not be found. The castle was searched from top to bottom, but the little Princess seemed to have disappeared. The Royal Family was forced to leave the palace and to go to the Dome, which was the building where all of the testing was done. Just as the Test was about to start for the other children, Estelwen ran out of the crowd and joined the line with the other five year olds. The herald continued his speech after marking in his scroll that the Princess Estelwen had finally arrived.

“Young elves, after today you shall be considered to be a part of our ancient and prosperous society. You shall enter through these doors and be faced with a wall of doors. Simply find the door with your name on it and enter. The Tester in your room will explain the rest to you. May your Test provide favorable results.”

With that the herald got off of his pedestal and the children were ushered into the Dome. The doors had mysteriously swung open and once all of the children were in the building they slammed shut. The torches on the stone walls flickered to life after a few seconds.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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