Chap 1

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Before I start I will tell you this:
1.There are no POVs its only third person

2. If  there is it's with Irens

3. Irens is kinda like the reader

4. Don't ask why

Anyways! On with the story!

Third person with Irens and Aya

Irens ran to her sister. "Hey! Wanna go check those so called "haunted" woods out?" Irens asked. "Sure! I need to get my mini chainsaw-" Aya began to say only to get cut off by Irens. "Nope! You don't need it cause I have my knife!" Irens exclaimed and pulled her knife out. "Okay sister!" Aya said. The two ran back to their new home. "MARIA!" They yelled. "Yes m'lady?" Maria said. "Can we go in the woods?" Irens asked. "Of course, but don't stay out late or me and Mourning Mother will go and get you." Maria said. "Okay!" Aya said and grabbed her sister's hand. They both ran into the woods. "What do you wanna do, Irens?" Aya asked. "Maybe look around... we should have gotten Dio and Eyeless Girl. But Maria may not have let us leave then." Irens said. "Yeah but she's just worried about us, Irens.." Aya said. They both had started walking and Irens suddenly stopped and Aya stopped out of curiosity.
"Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
Aya froze as Irens ran in front of her and pulled her knife out. "SHOW YOURSELF!" Irens screamed. A boy walked out. The first thing Aya noticed was that he had hatchets on his belt(?). But Irens noticed that he had goggles and a mouth guard on and she thought of Flesh Burn(my OC for Mad Father). "Heh... you remind me of a friend with your mouth guard...." Irens said. "R...Really?" The boy asked. "Yeah... she doesn't talk much but when she does she's a stuttering mess..." Irens said. "Well what's uh... your name?" The male asked. "I'm Aya and that's my sister, Irens!" Aya exclaimed, recovering from her shock. "Nice to m-meet you two uh... I'm Toby." Toby said. Irens got a bad feeling, like someone was watching her. She realized who it was, she became enraged. Irens clutched her knife so tight her knuckles turned white. "SHOW YOURSELF YOU SO CALLED DOCTOR!" She screamed. Alfred walked out and Aya freaked out and ran behind Toby. Alfred walked towards Irens. "There is no tricking you, is there?" He asked. "Shut up you bastard! What the hell do you want?!" She sneared, her voice filled with venom. "I mean you and my sweet Aya no harm. I only came to see my beloved Aya." Alfred said, knowing it would anger Irens. "SEE HER!? YEARS AGO YOU FUCKING TRIED TI TURN HER INTO A DOLL FOR WHO KNOWS WHAT!" Irens screamed. Toby stood there shocked. "I'm sor-" Alfred began. "SORRY!? SHE COULDN'T SLEEP BY HERSELF FOR 3 FUCKING YEARS AND ALL YOU SAY IS SORRY?!" She screamed anger pouring off of her and filling her aura. Toby was shocked from all the rage, fear, and tension in it. "YOU EVEN HURT ME AND MY FRIENDS! YOU RIPPED OUT EYELESS GIRL'S EYES! YOU POSSIBLY STARVED HUNGRY BOY! YOU DID WHO KNOWS WHAT TO COLLINA AND DIO!!" Irens screamed. "AND YOU JUST BEAT ME AND CALLED ME SUCH HORRID NAMES!" Irens yelled and started crying. Suddenly static was heard. Alfred held his head and kneeled down, Aya fell down in pain, Irens stood there along with Toby. "What brings you here, trespassers? And Toby what are you doing talking to these people?" Slender Man asked. Irens stood there and awnsered.  "I'm sorry, me and my sister were curious and for HIM I don't know..." The static died down and Alfred stood up along with Aya. "I came here to find my daughter, Aya. I have no idea why that thing is calling her sister." Alfred said. "What do you mean "thing"?" Slender asked. "I mean Irens, she is no longer living-" Alfred began. "BECAUSE OF YOU!" Irens snapped. "Anyways, How would you like to stay with us? All of you." Slender asked. "What? But me and Aya can't! We have to get back to our family!" Irens said. "What family? I can only imagine it being you two and Maria." Alfred said. "There's me, Aya, Maria, Dio, Collina, Hungry boy, Eyeless Girl, Mute Test Subject, Flesh Burn, Mourning Mother, and Headless Man." Irens said. Some more people walked out. Jeff, Masky, Hoodie, and Eyeless Jack. "Why are they mostly called those? Like 'Flesh Burn'?" EJ asked. "Well they can't remember their names and Mute Test Subject she cant talk or write." Aya said. "Oh.." Eyeless Jack said softly, not expecting such a simple reason. "Very Well then children, I could I also bring them." Slender said. "Okay..." Irens said. "I can teleport us there. Ej, Jeff, Masky, Hoodie, and Toby can you please alert the others of them coming?" Slender said. "Okay!" Toby said and they all started to walk back to the mansion. Slender then teleported them to their house. Maria, Mourning Mother, and Mute Test Subject ran out. "OH MY GOSH! THANK GOODNESS YOU TWO ARE ALRIGHT!" Maria yelled and crushed the two as Mourning Mother and Mute Test Subject joined the hug. "Yes you two! What took so long?" Mourning Mother asked. "Sorry we met some people, one brought us back but he didn't tell us his name.." Aya said. Maria walked over to him. "Thank you sir, for bringing them back. I promised Monika I would watch over Aya if anything happened to her." Maria said. "Who is Monika?" Slender asked. "She is Aya's Mother." Maria said. "What about Irens? Aren't they sisters?" He asked. "Not technically, Irens was adopted after everything that happened." Maria said. "Anyways, would you all like to move into my mansion? There will be enough room for you all, a lot more then there is now." Slender man said. "We would have to check with the rest to see if they would want to come." Mourning Mother said. Then all of a sudden Eyeless Girl and Dio ran outside. Eyeless Hirl tackled Aya and Irens. "I WAS SO WORRIED!!" She cried out loudly, her blonde braided hair was a mess. "Yeah I was too. But not as much as Eyeless Girl..." Dio said. "Okay you all go inside and get the others to come out here please." Maria said. "Okay!" Eyeless Girl exclaimed and stood up along with Aya and Irens. They ran inside as Dio didn't, he just walked cause he was tired. He was watching Hungry Boy and Collina. The four of them got the others. They all went outside. Slender was shocked by some of their looks. "You all might be wondering why I had you all come outside... especially since most of you are used to being inside." Maria started. "I was wondering if you wanted to go and possibly stay in a mansion. There might be others there..." Maria said. Most looked a little worried about that. "Don't worry, most are like you." Slender Man said. They all seemed a little less worried and agreed. "Okay we will have to get our stuff," Maria started. She turned to face Slender man. "Sir, could you carry Collina and Hungry Boy's stuff?" Maria asked. "Of course." Slender Man said


Third person with Irens

Irens walked down to the kitchen. Flesh Burn was already there. She just sat there staring off. This was common with her though so Irens didn't really worry until she started talking. She was saying 'Shut up' or something like that. Irens ran off and went to the living room and ran to Toby as he sat beside a girl with a clock in her eye. "TOBY! i need your help please!" Irens exclaimed sounding distressed. The girl with a clock in her eyes looks a little jealous. "With... with what Irens?" Toby asked. "Something is wrong with Flesh Burn, she's talking to herself." Irens said. Toby looked confused. "What do you mean? What.... What is she uh... saying?" Toby asked. "She's saying shut up nost-" Irens began only for the girl with a clock in her eye to interrupt her. "IF YOU TOUCH MY BOYFRIEND I WILL KILL YOU!" She yelled and stood up. Irens started laughing. "Why would I do that? I'm like... 13 and he's I don't know but he's older than me!" Irens exclaimed. "Oh sorry..." The girl with a clock in her eye said. "It's okay! I'm Irens what's your name?" Irens asked. "I'm Clockwork, but you can call me Clocky." Clockwork said. "Anyways, Irens what did you need? Maybe I can help cause Toby is tired." Clockwork said. "Okay!" Irens exclaimed. "Follow me!" She cheered happily and went in the kitchen and froze, Flesh Burn was curled up in a ball. "FLESH BURN!?" She yelled and ran to her friend. Flesh Burn's brown eyes were now blood red. Irens freaked out and backed up. Clockwork was confused. "Why do you look scared? Isn't her eyes always red?" She asked. "No they aren't... unless HE did something..." Irens said. "Aww well maybe you aren't as dumb as you look! I'm Monster, as Fiona calls me!" Monster said. "Who's Fiona?" Irens asked. "Oh! That's your little friend that you call... what was it? Oh yes! That you call 'Flesh Burn'!" Monster exclaimed. Clockwork looked highly alarmed. "Leave Flesh Burn alone!!" Irens cried. Jeff came in along with some male with stitches. "What the hell is all this yelling about!?" Jeff snapped. "Monster is possessing Flesh Burn!" Irens yelled.

WORDS 1615

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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