The Blushing... Bride?

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The iron dragon might have been unconscious, but his grip around his little fairy did not falter in the slightest.

Levy sobs as she buries her little face into his chest. Seeing him with blood on his face, and his eyes closed was scary for her.

She then feels as something grabs her arms, and starts trying to pull her out of Gajeel's fist. Her hands thrash about as she fights off the thing that has her. The thing only grunts as it continues prying her out of Gajeel's hand as little demon fairies work on pulling away Gajeel's fingers.

Gajeel's grip of Levy is do steadfast that there are at least three creatures to each of his fingers, pulling with all their might. The force of their pulling is just enough to yank Levy out of his hand, before it closes in on itself in an extremely tight fist.

Levy cries and cries as she is pulled into the arms of the thing which had "saved" her from the giant beast's hand.

She cries and hits the creature's chest, before a sweet voice reaches her ears.

"Damsel?" The sweet, deep voice says to her. "Are you alright? You are safe now... There is no need to fear."

She sniffles, and then looks up at the face of a demon fairy. He had spiky red hair, topped by a black crown, and golden eyes as he stares deeply into her's.

She blinks, hypnotized for a moment, but then her brow furrows as she continues her struggling.

"LET ME GO!!!" She screams as she fights against him. "LET ME GO OR ELSE!!!" She then reaches around for her wand, when she finds it missing. She goes into absolute panic mode, until she sees in one of the demon fairy's belt, her wand.

Her eyes go wide, and she looks up at the demon fairy who holds her, only to be met by two soft lips on her's.

She jumps, as she is forced into the kiss, and goes limp as her clothes start to morf into a long, red wedding dress made of flower petals.

He holds her there, not letting her go, and then pulls away, looking into his lovely bride's eyes.

He smirks. "Ah. I have already kissed the blushing bride, and the ceremony has yet to begin."

Her eyes are wide with fear, and she begins to tear up.

"L-Let me go..." She speaks in a whisper.

The demon fairy laughs, and then steals a kiss once more as he slides off of Gajeel's chest with her, onto the ground bellow.

"No no... Father said in order to take rule of the Demateic Kingdom, I must rescue and marry a damsel worthy of my love," he then nuzzles his face in her hair, and whispers, "And I think you're the one."

She goes absolutely red, and then knees him in the gut as he stumbles back.

The demon fairies surrounding them all jump in surprise, and then point their pitchforks at Levy.

She lifts her wings and holds up her tiny fists, ready to fight any who oppose her, when the soft laugh reaches her ears again.

"You really think, men, that it takes one punch from a female fairy to take down Blare?" The demon fairy straightens up, and then cocks his head as he stares with a sadistic smile into Levy's eyes. "Well... You're wrong..."

Blare starts walking towards Levy, fire taking his fists, and the grass around him turning to ash as he walks.

Her eyes widen, and she begins walking backwards as her wings lower back down.

A tear rolls down her cheek, as she finds herself back up into Gajeel's side.

"You think... You're smart... Don't you, little damsel?" Blare says as he raises a flaming hand, and then studies the fire as it flickers like a light. "Well... I may find you worthy of my love, but I do not find you worthy of my mercy..."

He raises his fist high, and then shoots a fireball at Levy, as she screams and jumps to her left. The fire barely scorches Gajeel's pants.

Blare lets out a growl, and prepares to shoot another, when suddenly, a shadow looms over him, and a large, tight fist lands on his figure, crushing him to the ground.

Levy jumps as blood splatters around the hand. She looks up at the arm, which still restrained, stretches the threads to their breaking point, crushing Blare, the demon fairy.

Gajeel looks at Levy with grumpy eyes. "What did I say about staying close to me, again?" He growls.

She blushes, and then presses herself against his side better.

Gajeel growls, and then directs his attention to the demon fairies that surround them with their mouthes agape.

He then turns his head to see one who stands right in front of his face on his chest, holding Levy's wand. His eyes roll, and he simply blows, and the little guy rolls over as the wand falls out from his belt, down Gajeel's chest, and into Levy's hand.

Then, he directs his dreary self's attention to the thin threads which harness him to the ground.

He takes in an extremely deep breath, expanding his ribcage, and popping one of the threads. Then, he breathes out as he tenses his muscles and moves up through the threads, pushing on them as they dig into his skin, bruising him slightly as a vein on his neck comes up to show itself.

He pulls up his arms once his is sitting up until one of his arms breaks free, swinging upwards, and then the next.

Half of the demon fairies have been running away by this point, and Levy watches in awe as they flee.

Her attention on them is broken as she feels a hand swiftly snatch her up, and bring her in front of a large face.

She shakes, and then blinks a few times, trying to get over the whiplash and the drastic change of scenery.

Gajeel puts his free hand on his knee, as he pushes up on it to stand. He steps on a couple of the creatures too dumb to fly away, and then sighs as he looks at Levy with tired eyes.

He then yawns, and rubs his eyes with his fingers, when he feels a soft pair of lips land on his cheek, making his fingers stop moving, and his blood cooly rush up to his cheeks.

"Thank you for saving me, Gajeel..." Levy rests her little head in her arms which lay on top of Gajeel's bent pointer finger.

Gajeel keeps his hand to his eyes as he nods, trying to hold the blush and dilated eyes off of display.

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