Chapter 2 : first day

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"Wake up Chelsea!" My mom yelled. It's six o'clock in the morning. I rolled out of bed and looked in the mirror. I looked like a zombie. I walked into my  bathroom and brushed my reality short hair. I go down stairs and mom was standing there she had already made breakfast. "Are you happy about your first day?" She says with a smile, " it's 9th grade it is going to be awful." I said as I gave her a smirk. I are my gold fast and ran up stairs and brushed my teeth. I got all my stuff ready and grabbed my people came and my bag and ran out the door. I see the bus coming to the house. I get on and the only seat is next to this girl. " Can I sit here?" I ask . "oh ya sorry are you new?" She says " ya I am new my name is Bailey." she said relaxed.

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